Preview of the ground breaking music video, starting dozens of Jewish music superstars, for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who was unjustly convicted.

Ground Breaking Music Video for Rubashkin

Preview of the ground breaking music video, starting dozens of Jewish music superstars, for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who was unjustly convicted.

An unprecedented music video entitled “Unity For Justice” featuring thirty nine Jewish music superstars will make its worldwide debut at a press conference to be held this Thursday afternoon at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights.

Recorded to raise awareness and bring about justice for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, this eagerly anticipated video features a star studded international lineup of Jewish music’s top voices in addition to both an adult and children’s choir singing Mordechai Ben David’s hit song Unity.

Rubashkin, the former manager of the Postville Iowa Agriprocessors kosher meat packing plant, received an unusually harsh sentence of fifty one years in prison after being convicted of bank fraud and related charges following a federal raid on the Postville Agriprocessors plant in May 2008.

Unity For Justice, the brainchild of Danny Finkelman and underwritten by of TELTECH Corporation, created an unparalleled opportunity for the biggest names in Jewish music including Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer, Yaakov Shwekey, Benny Friedman, Dovid Gabay, Yehuda Green, Gad Elbaz, Ken Burges and dozens of others to literally raise their voices together in unity to show support for Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin and to protest the injustice that has been perpetrated in his case. Recorded and filmed in both the United States and in Israel, Unity For Justice is a dazzling visual and musical production, featuring a dizzying array of global talent from both the religious and secular Jewish communities all uniting as one to create a video that will uplift and inspire while raising awareness for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.

Mrs. Leah Rubashkin will be on hand at the press conference to issue an official statement from the Rubashkin family in addition to detailing new developments in the Rubashkin case. Singers Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey and Lipa Schmeltzer will also be present at the event and will deliver statements about the Unity for Justice project.


  • Free spirit

    Weird they don’t have mattisyahu on the list! Oh wait he probably doesn’t want anything to do with politics… Free spirit hum or disengaged?

  • hahaha

    Haha it reminds me of “we are the world” staring M. Jackson… Seriously people get original

  • Maddie

    I think this is awesome that Jewish people came together for something they believed in. Way to go! I’m not Jewish,but I still support the cause.

  • Maddie

    I think this is awesome that Jewish people came together for something they believed in. Way to go! I’m not Jewish,but I still support the cause.