Two Girls Mugged – Two Muggers Arrested

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Two young jewish women were mugged by two black teens early this evening. The incident began shortly after 7:00pm Thursday and the details are still unclear. There were many witnesses, with many different accounts of what happened.

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Outpouring of Solidarity for Sholom Mordechai

By Debbie Maimon

LAKEWOOD — Over five thousand people jammed Lake Terrace and neighboring streets in Lakewood last night, in an outpouring of solidarity for Sholom Mordechai Rubahskin that continued past midnight.

Taking Financial Responsibility: What’s Your Game Plan? supporter, Mr Mordy Schachter asks Crown Heightsers; are you fiscally responsible? Do you have a game-plan? Mosts U.S. household aren’t! Mr Schachter, who offers financial services, says it’s never too late start planning.

Northeastern Matriarch of Jewish Education Passes Away at 91

By Dovid Zaklikowski for

Regarded as a matriarch of Jewish life and education in southern Connecticut, Rivkah Hecht passed away July 8 at the age of 91. A transplant from Malden, Mass., she arrived in New Haven in 1946 with her husband, Rabbi Moshe “Maurice” Hecht. Together, they established and presided over a network of schools responsible for the instruction of tens of thousands of Jewish students.

Ten Minute Video Class! – Parshas Devarim

We are pleased to present our eighth online class in the “Torah in Ten” series, presented by the editor-in-chief of Kol Menachem, Rabbi Chaim Miller, to receive this class the your Inbox subscribe here:

The Mogul, Lost and Found: Developer Shaya Boymelgreen in the City of Second Acts

By Dana Rubinstein for the New York Observer

The breakneck rise and fall of New York developer Shaya Boymelgreen unfolds like a Gilded Age novel of social ascendance: young man immigrates to ethnic neighborhood in big city; accidentally takes part in Crown Heights riot of historic importance; strikes up fortuitous friendship with Uzbek diamond billionaire who agrees to bankroll his projects; gambles on some of boom era’s most talked about and coveted developments; and then, as quickly as he rises, disappears, lawsuits and angry creditors chasing his wake.

A Boy For All Camps

By Dvora Lakein for

It’s hard for the average kid to be in two places at once. But Ari Cohen is not your average kid. Last summer, the spunky six-year old became a favorite of 83 Gan Israel day camps around the world. This year, he hopes to make even more friends.

Cohen was born with Trisomy 9 Mosaic, a rare chromosomal disorder. Most babies born with this syndrome do not survive their first birthday. Yet Ari, who struggles with even the most basic of tasks, has thrived beyond anyone’s expectations. Even so, he doesn’t speak, is not toilet-trained, and has difficulty focusing.

But despite his disabilities, Leah Cohen was determined to give her son the Gan Israel experience. “Ari is in public school all year,” says his mother, “and camp is his one chance to be together with other kids in a fun, Jewish environment.” Mrs. Cohen found her son a camp, Gan Israel of Boca Raton, Florida, and the indispensable shadow to accompany him there.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Henny (Henne Elke) Sufrin OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Henny (Henne Elke) Sufrin longtime Shlucha in England, wife of R. Aron Dov (AD) Sufrin A”H.

She is survived by her children, Shliach Rabbi Aryeh Sufrun (Ilford, Essex UK), Shluach Baila Hecht (Crown Heights), R. Eli Sufrin (FL), and R. Boruch Sufrin (CA).

Boruch Dayan Hoemes