Video: Shoplifter in Action at Apple Drugs

The following is surveillance footage capturing a shoplifter stealing from Apple Drugs. The incident took place yesterday, Monday, at around 11:00am, where the thief, a black male in his late 30’s spent a few minutes in the aisles of the store and made off with approximately $50 worth of goods.

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Chovevei Torah Announces 21 Talmidim HaShluchim!

Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevei Torah in Crown Heights announced today that 21 Temimim will be heading out on Shlichus to various Chabad yeshivas around the world for the coming school year. Chovevei are once again the first to make this announcement, ahead of any other Chabad yeshiva.

Announcing New Shluchim to Delaware

Rabbi Motti and Rochel Flikshtein and daughter Shoshi will be moving to Wilmington, DE. They will take the position of Program Directors in the new Chabad Center for Jewish Life.

The community is especially excited, as this is the return home for Rochel, who was born and raised in Wilmington. Her parents and siblings were one of the founding families of Chabad in Delaware and are pillars of Chabad and the local Jewish community.

$50,000 Raffle Campaign in Full Swing at YNS Tzfas

The YNS Chabad Tzfas second annual scholarship raffle campaign is currently underway.

YES YOU CAN WIN BIG and at the same time help support the most important fundraising event of the year for the yeshiva. Your warm response would be greatly appreciated in enhancing the success of our mission.

The Indian Phone Rep Recalls Mumbai Shluchim

From The Inbox:

Yitzchak Sapochkinsky from Chabad of Westlake Village, CA was speaking with an American Express representative at an indian call center, when the rep suddenly expressed interest in Chabad. The indian rep went on to say “I live in Mumbai, India, next door to the Chabad House” and spoke about the Holtzberg’s.

Bnos Chomesh First Graduating Class!

Parent, Uri Posner Addresses the gathered crowd.

History has been made!

On Monday, Tes Tammuz, Bnos Chomesh Academy held its very first 12th grade graduation.

Over 100 parents, relatives, friends and supporters came to participate in this momentous event. 8 students, some local, some from as far away as Israel, graduated with New York State Regent Diplomas in an emotional ceremony.

Rabbi Engel Cleared of all Criminal Charges

All criminal charges against Adelaide Rabbi, Yossi Engel and his wife Chana, were today dismissed in the Adelaide Magistrates’ Court.

Rabbi Engel is the Director of Chabad of South Australia and the Spiritual Leader of the Jewish Learning Centre of Adelaide.

Rabbi and Mrs Engel had each been charged with 39 offences for falsifying documents with the intention to deceive and gain benefit. These charges related to applications by the Spirit of David Adelaide Hebrew School for government funding.

When called upon by the Court, the South Australian Police, who prosecuted the cases, had no evidence whatsoever to lead against either the Rabbi or his wife.