The following is surveillance footage capturing a shoplifter stealing from Apple Drugs. The incident took place yesterday, Monday, at around 11:00am, where the thief, a black male in his late 30’s spent a few minutes in the aisles of the store and made off with approximately $50 worth of goods.
Video: Shoplifter in Action at Apple Drugs
The following is surveillance footage capturing a shoplifter stealing from Apple Drugs. The incident took place yesterday, Monday, at around 11:00am, where the thief, a black male in his late 30’s spent a few minutes in the aisles of the store and made off with approximately $50 worth of goods.
One of the cashiers noticed the man acting suspicious and alerted her manager who confronted the man, and requested that he open his bag, he refused and fled. Police and Shomrim were called, but the thief managed to get away by ducking in a basement of a building.
Police filed a report for petty theft.
words of wisdom
1) a BLACK male? WHO ELSE?!
2) to all shoplifters: dont be stupid. if u wanna shoplift, dont just take 50. take 50 000.
that’s crazy, not normal!!!
Although what he does is very wrong, I do sort of feel bad for him that he has to stoop to that.
I also feel bad for the owners of the store who lose money because of people like him.
It’s very sad for everyone involved.
wow if i were him which i will never be but i would check if there is a video acmera dumb bell
hes just taking this stuff for his brothers in haiti. they need lotion and toothpaste!
he is BALD but was looking thru the SHAMPOO section
dumb ***
he-s NOT shy!!
That’s like, ok, i need some ___________ let me go pick it up…
where were these “people” raised????
ok, crazy these stuff happen, gotta plant pretend customers all over store, to ensure no shoplifting happens!!
may this be a Kapparah for something
Thanks for sharing. Apple, you should install a large monitor for all to see that they’re being watched and recorded.You should also have a monitor so that your employees can keep a watchful eye as well.
and rubashkin gets 27 years!
webby fan
he must have nice teeth and soft skin. but seriously webby why couldnt you catch him?
Mind Boggling!
Looks so easy to steal. Why would someone in there right mind….? Crazy!
A black man would steal?!
wow!!! crazy… the guy put a lot of thought of what he needed before he took it..!
this is insane!!
I feel like laughing. Thank god is was not that much, nut he is such an idiot!! Okay, he was smart to look around for people, but forgot to look for a camera!!!
he needs toothpaste and cant afford it
they cant be trusted those goyim, every store needs multiple cameras or well be robbed blindly.also beaware of those pickpockets every block on kingston needs cameras and please i dont want to see someone comment,youre too scared im realistic
makes me sick
Looks at the head and shoulders . . . wait a minute, I’m bald. . .puts it down. HA HA HA
Keen observer
Looks like someone hasn’t taken a shower in a few days!!
Thank you for posting this
they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent
wow! what does he think!? the nerve of that guy stealing….. everytime he turned around he just slipped in another bottle!
fools, especially the guy in the white shirt with tzitzis walking back and forth by the counter with his back towards the aisle, providing a perfect cover. Stupid worker, futzing around the counter without even a second thought to the black guy in the aisle.
this is hysterical!
moby bond
we recognize the guy lets nab him
This is cwazy:)
come on dont they have a shomrim member working there why didint he do anything they r all good for nothing people
just sit back and watch the comments fly!!
Summertime in Crown Heights
En less he grows a lot of hair or puts on a wig he will be easy to spot out there,
That-s worth 50 bucks?
What a ripoff!
a person who has somthing on there mind!
i think they shuld have police men again all over crown heights like they did several years ago! and alsow, u shuld do this like most of the stoors i go 2: pult away the bags that ppl bring in the stoor w\ them. keep them in a box or somthing and give the ppl the # of the box, then they have no way 2 steal, easy, no?
to # 30
to #30 he wasn’t working at the time of the crime he came it at 12pm right after it happened!
to bad they dont have bananas..he would steal them all
Place his photo on the window of the store as punishment. Would this violate some bizarre law of privacy? One blogger asked about his “black” appearance. If race is so important so as to not offend anyone, let’s instead ask “What country of origin is he from” instead, to avoid racial bruising. He insulted an entire community by his actions, and it impacts an already frail relationship with his neighbors because of his assault.
Bite Me
Nice to see you’ve been able to validate your racism with this video. Now, why don’t you get back to whining about antisemitism?
shopping spree
catch him and press charges.
can-t stop laughing
The funniest part of this all is that he is in the isle in front of the register! Takes a lot of guts!
Ho hum
People of all colors have been shoplifting for centuries. Although you think he was a fool because of the cameras, meanwhile he got away, so who’s the fool?
to #30
great idea! (i don’t live in c.h, nor am i from there)
to #37
what do you mean??????
Koach H-Ain Sof
its amazing that his bag just has room bli gvul
Mezuri Systems Fan
Mezuri Systems security cameras did it again- GREAT JOB!!!!!!!
One Black shoplifting is no excuse for the very racist comments being posted here, it is shameful, I had a classmate
who use to shoplift all the time, just ask Yitzchak Rimler about Jewish shoplifters.
only in american production would you see subtitles to such a clip!!hilarious!and england scored 1 goal its been quite a day really!!
To Number 3
Also feel badly for yourself and the rest of us who have to pay more for items in the store because people steal.
we need to be one step ahead of the game
i guess now the stores in ch have to put a special tag on each item so if a customer leaves with a stolen good it will bleep or get someones attension- we are living in a very poor neighbourhood unfortunatly we have to be 1 step ahead of the game!!!
we need to be one step ahead of the game
i guess now the stores in ch have to put a special tag on each item so if a customer leaves with a stolen good it will bleep or get someones attension- we are living in a very poor neighbourhood unfortunatly we have to be 1 step ahead of the game!!!
hysterical how he is casually choosing stuff off the shelf and making himself haimish in the store like everything is just free!!!maybe moshiach is realy here after all!!! and he knows before us haha
zei nisht nispoel
leave the video available
Look on the bright side
Thats one less person with bad breath
ch goya
Hey, Bud/#17: I’m a goya and I don’t steal. SOME Jews steal (for example, the big Nigerian Bank scam was run by 7 Israelis which took millions of dollars from elderly people), SOME Goyim steal. Don’t generalize, it’s not right. EVERY community has unethical people.
As for what this man stole, it’s unfortunate and sad that someone would have to stoop so low for such basic supplies but it could have been much worse, he could have been violent and/or had a gun.
what-s the point?
Hmm what’s the point of having a security camera if not to catch thieves in the act? you should also not allow folks in your store with shopping bags!
wat do you want!
he needs touthpast, to make his breath smell good so N.Y.P.D. shoodint cach him.
we love Apple Drugs…
Poor him
oish, it was 11 in the morning, he needed to brush his teeth…. what do you expect?…As long as he brushed his teeth=)
take a chill pill
ok people chill out! a stupid guy stole some toothpast and lotion. what else is new? come on! it’s not dooms day and not and stop being so racist over such a stupid nothing!
s/o else
to number four
the video acmera is not what caught him. its just a side point. s/o catched him
at least when they catch him, hes gonna be nicely smellling and thats a maala
and number 9 i dont get the connection. care to share?
why did you post this video? Who needs it except for some yentas who ran out of gossip. and why does everything revert to shvartzas for one person
why is this on this website?
next time a jew does something don’t get mad when your on the other end of the racisim
this crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT NORMALLLLL!!!!!!!!! i was shocked seeing him steall!! and turn back every minute and put soemthing else in his bagg!!! this is insaneee! MOSHIACH NOW!
They keep crying over ‘racial profiling’ and then they give us the reasons to do so.
To whomever left the first comment: there is really no need to be racist.
to # 62
well it intertainded 65 ppl