Army To Chabad Rabbi: Get A Shave!

The Jewish Week

Not making the cut: If Rabbi Menachem Stern keeps
his beard, he may not achieve his ambition of
serving in the military.

Born into a Chabad Lubavitch family, Rabbi Menachem Stern grew up with one ambition in life: to help people.

“Throughout my life I have pursued this goal by engaging in many different activities, ranging from visiting Jewish inmates in prisons to visiting the sick in hospitals and nursing homes,” he wrote in a short essay.

When he spotted an ad in August 2008 for military chaplains, Rabbi Stern said, “I knew I had found my calling.”

Rabbi Stern, 28, of Brooklyn, said he applied for a commission and “went through all the hoops for them. I had an interview with a chaplain at West Point, the chief of chaplains and his staff, as well as a physical — the full rundown they give to every new recruit.”

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An Alumnus Gives Back

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — On Sunday night, 24 Teves, At Crown Condos, Rabbi Moshe Wiener, a graduate of the Menachem Education Foundation’s Teacher Training Program, and the fourth grade Rebbe in Cheder Chabad of Monsey came back to the Teacher Training Program to share his experiences and ideas with the class of 5770.

Wyoming Newborn Already Increasing Jewish Awareness

by Tamar Runyan –

Chana Mendelsohn was born at Jackson, Wyo.’s S. John’s Medical Center at 10:47 the morning of Jan. 1, making her the first baby of the decade for all of Teton County.

Chana Mendelsohn may be her parents’ second child, but to the people of Wyoming’s Teton County, the newborn girl will always be a first.