
Avraham Fried released a new single, “Ki Hirbeta” composed by Rabbi Avrham Malovitzki, editing by Yoval Stopal.

New Single by Avraham Fried – Ki Hirbeta


Avraham Fried released a new single, “Ki Hirbeta” composed by Rabbi Avrham Malovitzki, editing by Yoval Stopal.


  • Thank you Avremel

    I LOVE IT!!!!
    Thank you Avremel; for the Beautiful, Happy,and Chassidish music that you are constantly sharing with us; for us; and we love it!
    Yasher Koach and much Hatzlacha!
    Mushka R. and Fam

  • more please

    love it. Sounds like the days of ole’. If your reading this, avremel, I like the olden day stuff a lot. The voice seemed so much more eidle, raw, simple.

    The beginning of this brought back all those memories.

    More of that, please

  • Jewish music desperately needs change

    Same thing we’ve been listening for the past 20 years, please change it up a bit.

  • Reality Check - in the most respectful w

    I think AF is crazy talented, and has an amazing voice.
    this song is nice. But, I happen to agree a lot of the songs all sound the same.
    It would be nice to have a change. I feel alot of the new singers are bringing that about.
    Time to get on the bandwagon, or AF may find himself singing for only old people.

  • more of the same but...

    yes, we’ve heard this (similar) melody 100 times before but, no one can execute a song (any song) like avremel. we do need new fresh stuff or, we’ll all faint of boredom.

  • oy this oy that

    All of this charedi music sounds the same!
    whiny, nasal, oy this oy that.
    It’s like hearing a child kvetch in my ear. This is not singing!

    People, expand your music selection. There is more to music than this!

  • Hypo

    I dont understand all the “bad” comments!!!

    Guys Torah is the same, tefilin is the same. We dont need new goyishe singers and still from them, we have our own niggunim and AF is the best no doubt.

    We love you Avremel in hungary