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Third Branch of ‘Moshiach Worshippers’ Opens in AU – Put in Cherem

From the YouTUBE video.

MELBOUREN, Australia [CHI] — Hosting a ‘Seudah’ on the fast day of the 10th of Teves, the day Jerusalem was besieged, is an example of Mishechism gone seriously awry. But go film it and proudly post it on YouTUBE for the world to see, that will get you put in Cherem [publicly excommunicated]. In Australia.

U.L.Y.O.P. Holds Middos Tovos on Ice

The United Lubavatcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway Midos Tovos passport campaign, named in memory and honor of Reb Shmuel Schrage O.B.M, has been recharged and altered to create even better results. “These passports get you places!” says Rabbi Harari.

Audio: R. Shais Taub’s Class on the Tanya Map at Mayanot

Rabbi Shais Taub leads a lecture at the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem.


Hei Teives at the Mayanot Institute for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Tanya Map author, Rabbi Shais Taub, gave an intense overview of the 53 chapters of Tanya based on the map. The Shiur was based on the Tanya Maps donated by Kehot.

Info to be Menachem Avel the Azoulay and Roetter Families

Mendy Azoulay, husband of Pesha Leah (Roetter) Azoulay OBM, will be sitting Shiva after her passing at 813 Montgomery Street [between Albany and Troy] thru Thursday.

Shacharis 8:30am
Mincha 4:15pm
Maariv 5:30pm

The Roetter family will be sitting at the above address thru Monday and then continue sitting Shiva in Oak Park, Michigan Tues-Thurs at 15030 Sutherland Street Oak Park, MI 48237.

Pesha’s family is asking for everyone to send memories of Pesha to for a book they are compiling, in time for the Shloshim.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Chof Daled Teves Publication

On the occasion of Chof-Daled Teves – the Yom Hillulah of the Alter Rebbe, The Rebbe encourages us to learn the works of the Alter Rebbe in Nigleh and Chassidus, and to learn Mishnayos beginning with the letters of his name.