Tears to an End – A Time to Cry, A Time to Act

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov, Jax. FL

The unmistakable echo of hulking boots pounding the outdoor pavement was enough to strike terror into the hearts of the small band of Chassidim gathered in a dimly lit basement in the Russian city of Samarkand.

The purpose of the gathering was a “Farbrengen,” a Chassidic get-together meant to encourage and inspire one another in the pursuit of spirituality and Divine service. Such gatherings were obviously utterly outlawed in communist Russia and punishable by unthinkable penalty.

As the Farbrengen lingered into the wee hours of the morning the atmosphere became increasingly somber. With tears in their eyes a number of younger Chassidim unburdened their heavy hearts on the presiding Mashpia (spiritual mentor) regarding their deficient spiritual state.

It was at this climactic moment that the thumping from outside caught the attention of the group of Farbrengers now gripped by sudden fear. Who else would be parading the streets at this ungodly hour if not the NKVD? Alas, their secret was uncovered; their game was up. Only G-d knows what would be with them now. Would they ever see their families again?

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Alternate Side Parking Rules Suspended Friday

Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations are suspended on Friday, December 25. Because it is is a major legal holiday, parking meter regulations are also suspended.

On major legal holidays, stopping, standing, and parking are permitted, except in areas where stopping, standing, and parking rules are in effect 7 days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”).

The 2010 alternate side parking (street cleaning) rules suspension calendar is available now, click below.

The 2010 Alternate Side Parking Suspension Calendar

At McGill University, Students Host Inaugural Shabbat Dinner

By David Lipson for Lubavitch.com

On a recent Friday night, Rabbi Shmuly Weiss and his wife Rashi were guests in their own Montreal home. Roles were reversed as university students at Chabad of McGill became the masters of ceremony during the Inaugural Host Shabbat Dinner.

It was up to the students to create a menu, choose the night’s theme, and make Kiddush to “try to inspire the crowd,” Weiss says. “I’m on the backburner; I’m one of the guests.”

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Refael Peretz HaKohen Rivkin OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Refael Peretz Rivkin, 6 year old son of Shimon and Sternie Rivkin (Rivkin Yerakot) of Kfar Chabad Israel.

Three weeks ago Peretz contacted with a virus that spread to his brain.

His levaya was held today at 6:00 in Kfar Chabad.

His family is sitting shiva in their home in Kfar Chabad.

Baruch Dayan Emes.

Fake ‘Child Abduction’ Text Message Circulating

Over the last few days a text message has been spreading around the Jewish communities in Crown Heights, Boro Park, and Flatbush about “a 3-year-old boy being abducted by a man driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse”, is confirmed to be a hoax and has appeared via text messages along with Twitter and other social networking sites as much as 4 months ago.

Audio: AskMoses on NPR

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Religious Jews have long experimented with ways to maintain their observance despite the advent of technology. Chabad Lubavitch’s AskMoses.com allows visitors to chat with a Jewish scholar every day except on the Sabbath and holidays. Rabbi Simcha Backman says the Web site is a form of outreach.