With sadness we inform you of the passing of Refael Peretz Rivkin, 6 year old son of Shimon and Sternie Rivkin (Rivkin Yerakot) of Kfar Chabad Israel.

Three weeks ago Peretz contacted with a virus that spread to his brain.

His levaya was held today at 6:00 in Kfar Chabad.

His family is sitting shiva in their home in Kfar Chabad.

Baruch Dayan Emes.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Refael Peretz HaKohen Rivkin OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Refael Peretz Rivkin, 6 year old son of Shimon and Sternie Rivkin (Rivkin Yerakot) of Kfar Chabad Israel.

Three weeks ago Peretz contacted with a virus that spread to his brain.

His levaya was held today at 6:00 in Kfar Chabad.

His family is sitting shiva in their home in Kfar Chabad.

Baruch Dayan Emes.