Op-Ed – A Culture of Democracy – Something has to Change

Something has to change

We have two Botei Din claiming authority over this community.

We have two factions now fist fighting over the community council.

We have two groups (shomrim, shmira) who are “ensuring” that we are safe, meanwhile ensuring that the other group sits in jail.

Something has to change!

We have two boards both claiming to be the legitimate (Netzigim) representatives of the community.

We now even have two different Hechsherim both claiming to be under the supervision of the badatz dekak decrown heights.

Something HAS to change!!!

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Judge Orders Hearing on the Vaad Hakohol Elections Matter

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Lawyers representing both the old and new Vaad’s appeared in court yesterday, and each left with the feeling that they were victorious. In arguments the judge dismissed the initial action attempting to bar the elections from taking place altogether, saying it was moot since the elections have already taken place. But the judge ordered a hearing on an action contesting the “legality and validity” if the entire election process.

The Weekly Sicha of the Rebbe – Parshas Nasso

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion the Sotah (a woman suspected of adultery) is discussed. A Sotah is a woman who was alone with another man other than her husband after her husband zealously warned her saying, “Do not be alone with so-and-so”.

2. Our Sages tell us that, “A person does not commit a transgression unless a spirit of foolishness enters him”. They bring a proof to this adage from a verse in this week’s Torah portion regarding the Sotah which reads, “Any man whose wife shall go astray (Sisteh)”. Our Sages explain that the word “Sisteh”, literally meaning, “shall go astray”, can also be read, “Sishteh”, meaning, “acted foolishly”, therefore they learn that, “A person does not commit a transgression unless a spirit of foolishness enters him”.

3. The Rebbe questions this, as an opportunity to begin explaining a deeper dimension of the Sotah:

Uniting Over an Alleyway

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — What was easily regarded as Crown Heights’s worst alleyway, the homeowners from Montgomery Street and Crown Street [and Kingston to Brooklyn Avenues] got together to remedy the problematic shared alleyway.

Video – City Turns Upscale Building into Homeless Shelter

Granite countertops. Terraces. Marble bathrooms. Walk-in closets.

The homeless are livin’ large in Brooklyn.

The city is paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to rent luxury condos in a Crown Heights building for homeless families, the Daily News has learned.

Kfar Chabad: It Takes A Village . . .

By Zalman Nelson for Lubavich.com

KFAR CHABAD, ISRAEL — Five miles south of Tel Aviv and near Ben Gurion airport is Israel’s modern day version of Anatevka, complete with agricultural fields, milk cows, numerous educational institutions, more than 8,000 Chasidic Jews, and the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch in the Holy Land.

2nd Yohrzeit of R Levitansky – Hakhael Farbrengen in Simcha Monica

S MONICA, CA [CHI] — In Chabad House Simcha Monica a Hakhel Dinner and Farbrengen was held commerating the second Yortzeit of the Shliach HoRav Avrohom HaLevi ע”ה Levitansky, and celebrating 40 years of his dedication to Camp Gan Yisroel.

Over 500 people attended the event, including Rabonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Mashpiyim, Shluchim, Anash and Mekurovim. The common denominator between those who attended, was that the Chabad House was filled with people whose lives have been touched by Rabbi Levitansky, and who came to pay tribute, to share memories and be inspired to continue in the ways they were taught and had seen by Rabbi Levitansky.

Picture of the Day! – Low Flying NYPD Helicopters!

Five NYPD helicopters hovered low above Crown Heights this morning leaving many residents wondering what was going on. The helicopters were headed to the funeral of a police officer that was shot and killed in a friendly fire incident over the weekend. He was off duty at the time. His funeral took place in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Tanya Baal Peh Continues at ULY…

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Just weeks after 77 boys of Lubavitcher Yeshiva were honored for Memorizing an entire Perek of Tanya, as reported here on CrownHeights.info, more and more boys continue to finish the Perek. Today, an additional 6 boys, 3 of Kita Gimmel and 3 of Kita Alef were honored for completeing the entire first Perek baal peh.

Car Lands in Newly Dug Ditch

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Orange hazard cones wasn’t enough to stop a minivan traveling on Empire Boulevard from driving right into the newly dug 2 foot deep ditch, the beginning of the Department of Transportation’s ‘traffic calming’ project.

Staff Week 5769 Opens with Camp School

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — The room was too small for the two minyonim of CGI Headstaff who gathered Wednesday night at the Tzivos Hashem Resource Center on Kingston and President to hear a talk on Tricks and Tips of Camp Management by R. Michoel Harari and share a few tips of their own.