Uniting Over an Alleyway
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — What was easily regarded as Crown Heights’s worst alleyway, the homeowners from Montgomery Street and Crown Street [and Kingston to Brooklyn Avenues] got together to remedy the problematic shared alleyway.
Each resident contributed $800 and together they hired a construction company who dug up and straightened out the muddy mess. The construction company will be laying down a fresh layer of asphalt tomorrow.
This alleyway is one of the only ones to have a Eruv, making it permissible (according to some Halachik Opinions) to carry between houses on Shabbos.
crown heights resident
way to go if we all had such Achdus Crown Heights would be a nicer place to live!!!
Yisroel P.
I love it Crown Heights still has a chance
my alley was done by this same company and we are not satisfied with there work
Highly Proud of my fellow CrownHeighters
Can anyone explain to me why we even need government if this is the way things ACTUALLY are supposed to get done? If people can figure out $800 spent on a project like this is money well spent compared to spending it on some other selfish need then we can get the idea of limited government and lower taxes into the minds of all New Yorkers. The GOVERNMENT needs to stop taxing us and let us take care of ourselves as this project ultimately proves!!!!! Democrats will never let this story get made public. It will only destroy their agenda that Government is the answer to all of our problems…Get with the program people. You keep voting democrat and you vote your way into poverty. It would be nice to send the $800 receipt into the IRS for a tax deduction huh? Good Luck with that!
no more pot holes
The alley (mont/crown)between Brooklyn & NY is worse!My neigbors can’t get their act together to fix it.
Thanks Yossi Hurwitz Tashkenter for arranging the funding!!!!
Halachic Question...
Why would an Eruv in an alley only be permissable according to some opinions?
Please explain…
something americans can learn from europeans especially the french and the germans is: how to make good streets that can last through a harsh winter.
i think they use about 3″ of asphalt here they use about 1 1/2
sounds like $800 per house is a bit expensive…. $800 time approx 60 homes is $48,000….. who kept the extra money?
It woulld be a great improvement to update ALL the alleyways in this hood…and fix up the broken and onerous-looking garage doors that give these areas the appearance of a slum..
And, while we’re at it, maybe an ATTITUDE CHANGE that allows alternate transportation such as bicycles, without making people (adults) feel like ”losers“ and ”weird“ when riding bikes or schlepping shopping carts up the ”Avenue.“ It would relieve the traffic congestion and save lots of money for those who spend a gillion dollars a month to lease (”fleece”) a fancy new car just to drive to Kingston Avenue twice a week.
Isn’t it ironic that everyone must be seen wheeling fancy baby carriages and driving fancy new cars on Kingston, which is full of dumpy run-down buildings and stores, with smelly garbage lurking in the alleyways? Have you ever been to a nice shopping area, like the outdoor malls upstate? They make Kingston Avenue look pathetic indeed.
Rabbi Y.Y. Hurwitz
It is true that a main problem was collecting the expenses $800.00 from each family. As the Rabbi of Agudah-Shul I called a meeting in the Agudah of all homeowners of Montgomery and crown streets, asking them to bring their check book along, most of the people showed up, and to our nice surprise were Davkeh very understanding, and wrote checks right on the spot. of course there were very few who made “shtick” who needed some intense convincing…. but thanks to Menachem Levy, Mendel Brickman, “Ani Hakoton”, Gavriel Gopin and Itche Minkowitz, (btw he did the alley 26 years ago) we are going to have a GREAT PLACE.
I would also like to announce that this alley has an EIRUV and everyone is allowed to carry there on Shabbos, young mothers are allowed to take out their babies in carriages or srollers on shabbos (this ERUV was arranged with the EITZOH of the Rabbonim of the block and with the HADROCHO and SUPERVISION of the MORO D’ASRO Horav A. Azdoba Shlitoh).
This brand new alley which is located in center of C.H. will be IY”H the SHABBOS PROMENADE-WALKING area, especially for young mothers with strollers.
Finally let this CENTER OF C.H. be a beginning of working TOGETHER, we are sure that by continuing working together, will speed the coming of MOSHIACH Bimheiroh beyomeinu Bekorov Mamosh.
Y.Y. Hurwitz
right price
$48,000 sounds right to me, you have a whole alleyway to break and fix, thats a WHOLE BLOCK, i’m not from here but sounds the right price to me, to fix the little sidewalk in front of your house costs a grand.
Garbage dumping
One of the worst things about the alleyway, apart from the hangouts, is that everyone thinks they can dump tons of garbage there everyday, in the alley and on other people’s property. Filthy behavior indeed! Keep your garbage to yourselves, fellow Crown Heightsers – I for one am fed up with it on my property.
“Why would an Eruv in an alley only be permissable according to some opinions?
Please explain…”
Perhaps this might answer:
“this ERUV was arranged ..with the HADROCHO and SUPERVISION of the MORO D’ASRO Horav A. Azdoba Shlitoh”
this is great but why did they need to pay for it? instead of the gov doing over crown street which was just fine before they did any work they should dix all the ally ways in CH, the ally on montgomery/empire between kingston and brooklyn is alo alot worse, prob the worse in CH, why dosnt the gov fix it instead of fixing the fine streets!!
PS nany ally way that is nice becomes a regular shortcut for cars
To tzaly…
If you wait for the govenment to solve your problems you might die old waiting..
They need to do it then send the govenment the bill
to ruvi
mendel brikman was in charge!!!!!! and NOT hurwitz
What do you mean “according to some Halachik Opinions”. Can you name one person according to whom the eruv is not good?
Rabbi Avrohom.....
Rabbi Avrohom……. who lives on the block to RENEGATE :
An Eiruv of an entire city or entire neighborhood like Borough park or Crown heights is problematic and not accepted by all Poskim, However an ERUV on one Alley is perfectly fine according to MOST Poskim (It’s like a MOVOO’Y HAMEFULOSH, see Shulchon Oruch HORAV Alter Rebbe Simon 364 Se’if Alef, and more). In our case it was Rabbi Stolik and Rabbi A.G. Roshey Yeshivos in Oholei Torah Rabbi Shain-the Mohel etc…etc…that actually did it with the help of the city (halachakly) and consent of all Goyim etc.. they got advice and guidance etc… from the MORO D’ASRO Horav A. Azdoba Shlitoh, and it’s MUTAR LECHETCHILOH LECHOL HADEOS.
The Idea of the comment of Y.Y. Hurwitz was “working TOGETHER” it seems that you don’t want to do it, instead you are degrading the MORO D’ASRO and a Famous Talmind Chochom, I believe that (whoever u r ) you must ask forgiveness and MECHILOH from Rabbi A. Azdoba Shlitoh.
Finally lets all work TOGETHER so that it will speed the coming of MOSHIACH Tzikeinu.
what about the sidewalks on crown between kingston and new york ave and else where in the neighborhood. They are crooked, bumpy, just asking for a bunch of lawsuits. Plus the garbage littered all around. Once I kindly asked a few frum families, their front houses and sidewalks covered with garbage to please clean up a bit. They looked at me as though I was from another planet. I don’t get it.
Can someone please explain this cloistered mentality to me
The alley way belongs to the homeowners thats why they have to pay for it
Rabbi Y.Y.Hurwitz
The ERUV was done mainly by Rabbi Stolik (and Rabbi A.G. both) Roshey Yeshivos in O.T. and Rabbi Shain the Mohel, all of them homeowners of Crown and Montgomery streets, but it needed Halachik assistance due to the fact that a few Goyim are living on the block, and other Halachik issues…. Indeed all Halachik problems were discussed and done according to the advice of the MORO D’ASRO Horav A. Ozdoba Shlitoh.
As for the people who asked about the “opinions” of the ERUV, Milhouse is right . I would like to put things in proper perspective….. Only by an ERUV of an entire neighborhood or entire city are there different opinions, due to the fact that according to certain Poskim there (in the city or neighborhood) MIGHT be a RESHUS HORABIM MIDORA’YSSO where it’s very difficult (or impossible) to make an ERUV….. However an ALLEYWAY is, at most, considered a KARMELIS where LECHOL HADEOS your are allowed to make an ERUV and carry there.
Please do not look for unnecessary Am-Horatzesdikeh Chumors, enjoy the ERUV and have a pleasant Shabbos Begashmious Uveruchnious.
Y.Y. Hurwitz