Mosodos Meet with Experts to Discuss Security
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Thursday, January 29th roshei mosdos of NCFJE, Beis Rivka, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Colel Chabad and the Shluchim Office met with consultants from T&M Protection Resources.
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Thursday, January 29th roshei mosdos of NCFJE, Beis Rivka, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Colel Chabad and the Shluchim Office met with consultants from T&M Protection Resources.
A reader has brought to our attention that there is a serious mistake in the Haftorah of this week’s Parasha, Parshas Bo. With Yud Shvat next week it is customary that all Bochurim and Men get Aliyos and this mistake applies even more.
The mistake is in Posuk Chof of Yirmiyahu Perek Mem Vov, the mistake is with the word “Keretz” which instead it says “Keren” giving the posuk an entirely incorrect meaning. This mistake only applies to the Sefer HaHaftoros, Chumashim on the other hand do not have this mistake.
The weekly Living Torah DVD currently includes a special children’s narration audio track in Hebrew and English.
A lot of effort and money go into producing this feature, and JEM is considering eliminating the track in order to economize the massive undertaking.
Following a recent appearance on ABC’s “The View” by actress Susie Essman promoting Loving Leah, a Hallmark movie in which she purportedly portrays Lubavitch women, Lubavitch.com received many calls and emails by readers expressing their dismay.
What follows is a conversation between Baila Olidort, editor of Lubavitch.com, and actress Leslie Grossman.
The following is part one of an intense, mind-altering encounter between Daniel, from Chabad of Antwerp, and the Rebbe. Special thanks to Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki and the editorial staff of the Avner Institute. To learn more about the Rebbe visit: InspiringAGeneration.org
Rabbi Slavaticki Relates:
“I first met Daniel at the Chabad House when someone brought him over for a visit. A tall young man, with a refined and intelligent face, he worked in computer operations for the European Common Market. Sometimes it can take weeks, months, or even years until two people make a connection. Other times the connection is made instantly. It might have something to do with gilgulim (past lives) or the celestial source of souls. Whatever the case, we hit it off at once.
Daniel loved to learn and expressed interest in the deepest concepts in Chasidus. With his quick mind and unusual sensitivity he absorbed everything; he could bring the highest, most abstract concepts down into the practical and relate them to the world and people around him. Most importantly, however, was the way Chasidus changed him. A new world had suddenly opened up. Daniel began to understand himself better and find answers to his questions. Within a short time he was laying tefillin, keeping kosher, and observing Shabbos.
NEW YORK, NY [NY1] — The council passed a bill Wednesday making it illegal to idle outside schools for more than 60 seconds.
Elsewhere, trucks and cars are allowed to idle for up to three minutes.
“Kids” Magazine Pesach Issue at Half Price!!
LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Rabbi Cunin and West Coast Chabad Lubavitch have partnered with the Tzivos Hashem “KIDS” Magazine to offer a most amazing deal!
The “KIDS” Magazine is published in 11 languages and has been reaching hundreds of thousands of TODAY’S Jewish kids around the world like nothing ever has!!!
This Magazine was formed When Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch realized the challenge of reaching today’s unaffiliated Jewish youth, hand he as underwritten half the production cost of the magazine and made it possible for Tzivos Hashem to produce the high quality product that is the “KIDS” Magazine.
BROOKLYN, NY — The holiday was kosher, but the return trip was a nightmare for one Brooklyn Heights congregation, which lost a sacred Torah in a car break-in on Sunday night.
Cops say that a thief stole one of Congregation B’nai Avraham’s hand-written religious scrolls from a car parked in Crown Heights.
This weeks Living Torah Rebbe video is ‘Never Too Young to Shine’. Remember, Living Torah is a member supported project. Become a member today at www.LivingTorah.org!
Also available with Hebrew, French, Russian and Spanish subtitles in the Extended Article.
SHERMAN OAKS, CA [CHI] — “When I say Bat you say Mitzvah”, “Bat” “Mitzvah” “Bat” “Mitzvah”. Those were the chants heard in the streets of Sherman Oaks this past Shabbos from the Bat Mitzvah Clubs of Chatsworth, Los Feliz, Sherman Oaks, and Simcha Monica, as they joined together for an unbelievable Shabbaton experience. For many, it was their first time observing Shabbos. No cell phones, T.V’s, or Nintendo’s, just bonding time with other Jewish girls.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
WASHINGTON DC [NY1] — U.S. Postmaster General John Potter says the post office’s financial situation could force the agency to cut a full day out of mail delivery each week. NY1’s Anthony Pascale filed the following report.
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ [CHI] — “It’s been well deserved” said one of the participants of this long awaited Shabbaton, as 10 students of Lubavitcher Yeshivah’s Unit Chitas packed a van for Atlantic City on Friday morning.
More pictures in the Extended Article!