Mosodos Meet with Experts to Discuss Security

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Thursday, January 29th roshei mosdos of NCFJE, Beis Rivka, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Colel Chabad and the Shluchim Office met with consultants from T&M Protection Resources.

The meeting was the first in a initiative to maximize security for shluchim and mosdos in the US and abroad.

“We owe it to everyone who relies on our mosdos to be as responsible as we can with security,” said Shea Hecht of NCFJE.

While the specific security measures explored are not being made public, intelligence and crisis management proceedures were considered to be a priority.

T&M Protection Resources is one of the largest providers of protective, technical, investigative, intelligence services in the industry. Their staff includes former members of the NYPD, CIA and Mossad, and they protect a number of high-profile institutions such as Yankee Stadium, Yad VaShem, the Jerusalem Mall and the Central Bus Stations of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.


  • Grant Writers

    There is a grant available for Target Hardening…in other words, reducing the risk of a successful terrorist attack on institutions considered to be the most vulnerable.

    In the past we have been successful in obtaining this Dept. of Homeland Security grant for Crown Heights. If you are concerned about the security of your institution & the safety of its occupants, call us on 347 657 1755. We will not undertake more applications than we can handle as we individualize every one, so please call soon. The due date is February 20th (New York.)

  • Nechama

    Super! I hope every mosed makes sure that the security of students, etc. are top priority.

  • Keep up the good work

    ‘sure hope the other mosdos get in on this effort. There are several more cheders, mesivtas, preschools, etc. that were not listed in this article.

  • Faivel

    There is security going up at 770 by the building owners; they got a grant to do this. The security is already up and running in the headquarters offices upstairs.

  • ch-er

    keep up the good work (lol)
    i second your motion

    where are the mosdos
    the community council the leaders

    what a farse

    ok i shouldnt be so harsh
    i will get you the benifit of the dout lets see what will come of this

    i dout anything major


  • Whoa upon us

    This is disgusting,

    Just by looking at the picture I can see already who’s in and who’s out of this ellite gruop. There looking for the money, but who is looking to care for the 4000 children in Oholei Torah, bnos menachem, Laikens yeshiva,ohr menachem, 770 and others…..
    I smell a rat overhear

  • worried parent

    unfortunatly there are other agendas and some mosdos are intentionally not informed. All at the chas v’sholom expense of the children.

  • common sense

    One no cost way would be when helping the Israel army to NOT do it “in front of cameras” that throw it in the faces of every crazy Jew hater in the world.

  • krockcz

    I wonder if we could all get the security needed to protect US from the MOSDOS, ie a protection from Tuition, LOL, just kidding, trying to crack a smile on everyones worried faces, let us all daven to Almighty G-D that we should be prepared, but never need any of this extra security, Hashem Yishmor Aleinu, Moshiach NOW!

  • 40 yrs in the hood

    “ the Rebba said if yr learning in the Rebbas yeshiva then yr the Rebbas chieldren ” and a father watches all his kids , so we have protection 4 our kids . if shea heact invites yr org, or not. .you and yr mosed are protected from above …

    now from below , since 1991 riots shea hect resumed the responsabilty to all moseds if they say yeci or not. we r one community . and he has to include all of us..gut shabbos and hashem yesmore

  • parent

    its about time. We do hope something comes out of this meeting, and quick! We , as parents, demand a VISUAL police officer, standing outside of every entrance, of all Mosdos in Crown Heights, during school hours.This is the only way that “strangers” will think twice.

  • shame on you

    Are these t5he only Mosdos In CH!!!
    I can’t belive that even with the security of our children, they manage to paly politics!!1

    I’m sure that this has something to do with getting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • Hirschel Pekkar

    BH. Check mezuzos, help the poorer to have mezuzos checked, should be knowlegable sheluchim for this task who are able to check the mezuzos on the spot, and replace them right away, with utmost urgency. Also to check if the mezuzos are properly fixed, and are placed wherever needed according to din, specially in publick places, where people may depend on others to do the job, such as schools, shools, wedding halls, not only in Crown Heights, but wherever possible world wide in urgency, and priority.

  • nechama

    At least ULY got their act together and tried to do something about their students security. Do you really think anyone from the other schools even tried to contact anyone about the security situation? Maybe if they showed concern, and took the initiative, they would be included.

  • Mendy

    Does the CHJCC exist anymore? WIth Rubashkin out, it does not seem that Lang is spending time over there and Sperlin has yet to plot or engage his plan to take over again. Has Sperlin talked to the Mayor so he can control the security efforts?