Op-Ed: Should We Stop Simchas Bais Hashoeiva?

by Rabbi Shea Hecht

After my last Op-Ed article about young Tishrei visitors to Crown Heights, who come and spend the month without a program or supervision, I was deluged with response and feedback. There were those who reached out to me by e-mail, those who bumped into me in the street and some people who called me by phone. After thanking me for bringing the subject out into the open most people had some variation of the same two questions: A) Did the article help create change? B) What’s going to be with Simchas Bais Hashoeiva? Can we facilitate any change there?

The answer to the first question of did the article create change is unfortunately little – if any. Despite the well-intentioned article and the enthusiastic and positive feedback nothing really changed.

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Pedestrian Struck on Empire Blvd.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Jewish woman was injured after being struck by a car on Empire Boulevard in front of Empire Kosher. The incident took place at around 7:30pm, the woman was apparently crossing in the middle of the street and did not notice oncoming traffic.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Reb Yisrolik Shemtovs Sukkos Appeal

Reb Yisroel on the stage at least years Simchas Beis Hashueva with Sgt. Troise.

Dear Friends:

How wonderful it is to celebrate simchas beis hashoeva together. Every night, multitudes of Crown Heights residents, plus thousands of guests here for Yom Tov, rejoice in unity with true ahavas Yisroel. On chol hamoed, thousands from other neighbourhoods join us in the simchas yom tov, which has become renowned throughout the New York area, making it a huge kiddush Hashem. The Rebbe often told us that on Sukos we draw from Above abundant blessings of simcha for ourselves, our families and the whole Jewish people all year.

Shomrim “save woman’s life” in Domestic Violence Incident

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — An enraged man struck a woman in the back of her head then proceeded beating on her, until a passing Shomrim member intervened. The incident took place Motzai Shabbos at around 10:00pm on Carroll and Schenectady in front a building where the woman lived and the man was trying to gain access.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Synagogue Reborn: Renovations Begin at Historic Orchard Street Shul

Pamela McLoughlin – NH Register Staff

NEW HAVEN, CT — The old synagogue is hidden behind overgrown weeds, littered with bottles, fast-food wrappers, old leaves and broken glass. A rusted iron fence and gate helps keep vandals away.

So why are some people calling the historic Orchard Street Shul a “gem?”