Focus, Prayer on Holiest Day

Judy Masterson – Suburban Chicago Mews

Rabbi Sholom Tenenbaum stands outside the new Chabad Jewish Center in Gurnee during construction last month. Tenenbaum was focused on the duties of the day Thursday, Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.
(Michael Schmidt/News-Sun)

GURNEE, IL — It is next to impossible to speak to a rabbi on the great Day of Atonement, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. On Thursday, rabbis around the county had no time for reporters. They were busy helping the faithful focus on their souls, ask forgiveness for their sins and draw close to the one God.

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Motzoai Shabbos: Farbrengen with Rabbi Ginsburgh

A Tishrei Farbrengen with Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Motzai Shabbos Parshas Haazinu (Oct. 11)
Time: 9:00pm
Location: United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, 570 Crown St. (corner of Albany)
Admission: $18 / $12 Students (separate seating for men & women)

Sanitation Worker Fatally Shot

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [WABC] — Police say an off-duty Sanitation worker was fatally shot in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn Wednesday morning.

32-year-old Edward Hunt was shot in the chest outside 857 Lincoln Place at around 5:30 a.m.

He was pronounced dead at Kings County Hospital.

Arab-Induced Riots Shatter Yom Kippur Calm in Northern Israel

By Tamar Runyan and Joshua Runyan

Police in riot-gear keep the peace in Akko, Israel, where clashes erupted on Yom Kippur.

Residents of the northern Israeli city of Akko remained on edge Friday after Arab provocation sparked interethnic riots over Yom Kippur that sent eight people seeking medical treatment. During the worst of the violence, some 50 people remained at the local Chabad-Lubavitch center after the holiday, reciting Psalms for their safety.

VIdeo of the Day – “Roll-over” Blessings


This weeks Living Torah, titled ““Roll-over” Blessings” (Volume 53, Episode 213)

Living Torah is a member supported project Become a member today at

Also available with Hebrew, French, Russian, Spanish and Yiddish subtitles in the Extended Article.

From a Hotel to a Cafeteria to a Gym

MONROE TOWNSHIP, NJ [CHI] — More than 500 people attended the Yom Kippur services at Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe. Led by Shliach Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky the High Holidays services have grown over the last few years since moving on Shlichus with his wife Chanie and their family.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Haazinu

The Rebbe says:

1. In the beginning of this week’s Torah portion Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher) says, “Listen (Ha’azinu) O heavens (and be my witness) for I will speak. Let the earth hear (Tishma) (and witness) the words of my mouth”.

Moshe Rabbeinu then goes on to warn the Jewish people about how they should act and tells them the rewards for their good deeds (and Heaven Forbid what will happen if they don’t follow Hashem’s instructions).

2. The reason for using the Heavens and earth as witnesses (as Rashi explains) is because Moshe Rabbeinu w”anted there to be everlasting witnesses to the Jewish people’s acceptance of Hashem’s commandments and the rewards they bring; therefore he called upon the everlasting Heavens and earth.