Bochur Awarded $4000 for Gemara Baal Peh

MONTREAL, Canada [CHI] — On Wednesday afternoon, Rabbi Leibel Kaplan, Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Montreal distributed prizes to all the Bochurim who had learned Blatt Gemara Baal Peh during the year. Hatomim Yehoshua Heshel Mishulovin was presented with a check for $4,000 in recognition of his competing the entire Mesechtas Bava Basra, including Rashi and Tosfos.

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KSCVK’s Third Annual ‘Ice Cream Social’!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Yesterday, Tuesday evening, Keren Simchas Chosson VeKallah held its third annual ‘Ice Cream Social’. Many women and girls baked cakes that were displayed for all to see, and then the participating audience was able to ‘bid’ on the cakes Chinese auction style. There were over 50 cakes on display.

An extensive gallery of all the beautiful cakes along with a list of the cakes and the amounts they were auctioned off for can be seen in the Extended Article! (Pictures by Mendy Bleier – (718) 953-0023)

Picture of the Day – Police Surge

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — On Eastern Pkwy today, Wednesday, Police put on a show for residents, called a ‘Surge Drill’. The NYPD are constantly doing these drills, they are mostly in Manhattan, but sometimes they come to Crown Heights and park on Eastern Pkwy next to 770.

Kehos is Not Closing Down

Zelig Abramson –

The facade of the Kehos building during the Hei Teves Sale – Illustration Photo

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — Report appeared that the Kehos store on Eastern Pkwy is in danger of closing down is false, misleading and slanted, according to Rabbi Avrohom Holtzberg, manager of the store.

Rabbi Holtzberg spoke with Shturem a little while ago and was furious. “It’s a cheap lie,” he said. You can see the whole thing was staged. They sent a photographer to photograph when there were no books on the shelves. The photographer himself could have emptied one of the shelves so he could take a picture of an empty shelve and say the store is closing down.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe is a Revolutionary Man

The following is a beautiful article that was written By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, about the Rebbe’s affect on world Jewry and Chabad’s work around the world. The article was published in the London Jewish Chronicle February 1, 1980. It’s an excerpt from the New Book on the Rebbe “The Rebbe Inspiring a Generation” to see more on the book visit:

“The Rebbe is a revolutionary. He has enthroned Chasidic philosophy not as one of the limbs, but as the heart of Judaism. He is a systematic and conceptual thinker on the largest scale. And, more than anything, he continually drives together the highest abstract truth and the most specific call for action, spanning the continuum of the whole range of Jewish study.

Mayor and Boro Pres Celebrate Brooklyn Bridge 125th

Photo by Kathryn Kirk

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — On May 22, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and Mayor Michael Bloomberg welcomed thousands of celebrants on both sides of the East River for the 125th birthday of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Five days of events were kicked off with a free concert, fireworks and lighting display at Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park.

Opening Ceremony of the State of the Art Mikva in Dnepropetrovsk

DNEPROPETROVSK, Ukraine — Just twenty meters away from the place of the Rebbe’s father’s arrest in 1939 a state-of-the-art Mikva has opened. With the generous contribution of Motti and Adina Korf a vision has come to reality to cater to women of all walks of life living in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. This project came to fruition with the donation of Mr. Alexander Kogonovsky who donated the construction of the building, and through the implementation of Mr. Zelig Brez, the director of the Jewish Community who oversaw the project from conception to completion.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (Photos by Shmuli Brown)

Donors Helping Synagogue Replace Torah Lost in Blaze

Tania Valdemoro – Miami Herald

Rabbi Zev Katz searches through what remains inside the burned Chabad Chul in Miami Beach last month. Photo – Cheryl A. Guerrero

MIAMI BEACH, FL — A Broward County woman who wants to honor her dead parents, and a couple who commute between Miami and New York, are donating new Torahs to a beleaguered Jewish congregation in Miami Beach whose synagogue was ravaged in a recent fire.

Overnight Camp Opens a Bunk to Children With Special Needs

By Joshua Runyan –

A teenage volunteer exercises with a child with special needs during a winter camp program run by the Friendship Circle of Crown Heights.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — A new partnership between the Crown Heights, branch of the Friendship Circle and Camp Emunah will allow children with special needs to fully immerse themselves in a mainstream overnight summer camp.