By Lazer Avtzon
In honor of the Shloshim of Reb Shlomo a”h Matusof – Rosh Chodesh Teves 5768
When my uncle, Reb Shlomo Matusof passed away just over a month ago on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, I felt a void that was hard to explain. I had already lost both my parents, my mother 21 years ago and my father fifteen years later, a mere six years ago. I was also equally close to the late Shliach Reb Yehudah Leib a”h Raskin who passed away two and a half years ago, spending countless days and nights visiting him during the last year and half of his life. As well, I lost one of my closest friends in the attacks of 9/11.
As such, I am no stranger to death, but yet, when I walked into the bedroom of Reb Shlomo just minutes after his holy soul departed his body, I was overcome with tears and emotions I had not felt at any previous time.
Continued in the Extended Article.