The Ultimate Good Deed

NY Daily News

Hasidic volunteers give faithful aftercare to Jews who die

Members of the Hasidic group Chesed Shel Emes
carry the coffin of Prof. Liviu Librescu.

Prof. Liviu Librescu grew up in Nazi-occupied Romania, immigrated to Israel and later relocated to Virginia, where he was killed in April in a Virginia Tech classroom.

A Hasidic group from Borough Park, Brooklyn, picked up his body and arranged a funeral service.

Representatives of that group were present for the autopsy of Auxiliary Police Officer Eugene Marshalik after he was gunned down in Greenwich Village on March.

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Sen. Lieberman: “My love for the Shluchim just keeps growing”

STAMFORD, CT [CHI] — Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) recently purchased a new home in Stamford Connecticut today and will G-d willing be moving in shortly from his home in New Haven.

Immediately following the closing on he asked Rabbi Yisrael Deren, Shliach in Stamford, and his wife Shifra Aviva to come help affix Mezuzahs on the doors in the home as well as to show him and his wife what needed to be done to kosher the kitchen.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Important News and Medical Update regarding Orah Meital Habosha

With Hashems help, We would like to thank everyone for all the good wishes, calls, Hachlatot and Mitzvot taken and being done Lezchut Orah Meital bat Bella for a full and speedy recovery. We are extremely touched and appreciative by the tremendous outpour of Chesed and Achdut shown by our community and from the greater Jewish community world-wide.

We want to give special thanks to the medical team from Medical University South Carolina headed by Dr. Joel B. Cochran for saving her life and stabilizing Orah Meital so that she was able to be transferred to New York. We also give our tremendous thanks to Dr. Phil Lanzkowsky, Medical Director of Schneider’s Children’s Hospital for accepting her and making all the necessary arrangements.

More in the Extended Article.

On This Day in History: August 22 – Eastern Parkway Designated Landmark

Brooklyn Eagle

photo by: Robbins/Becher – 2005

BROOKLYN, NY — On August 22, 1978, Brooklyn’s Eastern Parkway was designated a scenic landmark. Stretching from Grand Army Plaza through Crown Heights to Ralph Avenue, this parkway introduced some of the advanced urban planning concepts of Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, the designers of Central and Prospect Parks.

It was planned in 1866 as one of a complex of boulevards emanating from Prospect Park, with a central artery for through traffic and side roads for local use, separated by landscaped malls.

More in the Extended Article!

Video of the Day – The New Shluchim to Stavropol!

Rabbi Zvi and Mrs Chayale (nee Greenberg) Hershcovich are moving on Shlichus to Stavropol, in the former Soviet Union. (As we have reported yesterday)

Help support their wonderful activities by emailing!

Summer Studies for Belarus’ Jewish Youth

BREST, Belarus — One year since the ‘STARS’ program was introduced by the Jewish community of Brest, its educational activities did not cease during the summer. Rabbi Chaim Rabinovich, a Chabad Lubavitch emissary and the primary instructor for this course, has been busily guiding students involved in this initiative, offering instruction and answering their many questions.

“It is with great pleasure that youth are coming to the Synagogue, where the classes take place,” explained Efim Basin, Assistant to Rabbi Rabinovich. “Here, these young adults have exhibited remarkable interest in studying Judaica, Jewish philosophy, traditions and culture.”

My Encounter Encounters London

Rabbi Nachman Sudak

LONDON, England [CHI] — As part of the ongoing oral history project documenting the story of the Rebbe’s life, Jewish Educational Media recently dispatched a team to London, England.

The team, with extensive experience in collecting oral histories, was led by My Encounter with the Rebbe producer, Rabbi Yechiel Cagen and Shmulie Shmotkin. Across seven days of testimony, they documented the Rebbe’s unique relationship with a number of individuals from England’s capital. They were joined by a camera crew led by Alan Buckley, an expert videographer with extensive experience filming interviews and documentary features for the BBC and other prestigious news outlets.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Where Cows Outnumber People, Roving Rabbis Reach Out to Uruguayís Jews

Dovid Zaklikowski –
Bernardo Brysk, one of the last two Jews living in Bella Union, Uruguay, affixes a mezuzah to his door as Rabbi Bentzion Shemtov looks on.

Montevideo, Uruguay — In Uruguay, cows outnumber people five to one. Half of the South American nation’s more than 3 million people live outside of its capital city, Montevideo, scattered across some 68,000 square miles. It counts as one of the least densely populated countries in the world.

The Kharkov Camp Question.

Michal Lando – Jerusalem Post

Kharkov, Ukraine –- My introduction to Ukraine began in the check-in line at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. Despite torrential rains, our flight was scheduled to leave on time, according to a Ukrainian man standing behind me who spoke in a heavily accented English. Nervous to be flying on the Ukrainian national airline, I turned to him for assurance that AeroSvit would get me there in one piece. Unfortunately, he had none to offer – he hadn’t been back to his birthplace in the 14 years since he immigrated to the US. Instead assurance came via a young haredi, who seemed ready to vouch for the airline.

He was one of many haredim to board my plane, a strange counterpart to the high-heeled, flashy Ukrainians – mothers and daughters alike – with bare midriffs and summer bronzed skin.