With Hashems help, We would like to thank everyone for all the good wishes, calls, Hachlatot and Mitzvot taken and being done Lezchut Orah Meital bat Bella for a full and speedy recovery. We are extremely touched and appreciative by the tremendous outpour of Chesed and Achdut shown by our community and from the greater Jewish community world-wide.

We want to give special thanks to the medical team from Medical University South Carolina headed by Dr. Joel B. Cochran for saving her life and stabilizing Orah Meital so that she was able to be transferred to New York. We also give our tremendous thanks to Dr. Phil Lanzkowsky, Medical Director of Schneider’s Children's Hospital for accepting her and making all the necessary arrangements.

More in the Extended Article.

Important News and Medical Update regarding Orah Meital Habosha

With Hashems help, We would like to thank everyone for all the good wishes, calls, Hachlatot and Mitzvot taken and being done Lezchut Orah Meital bat Bella for a full and speedy recovery. We are extremely touched and appreciative by the tremendous outpour of Chesed and Achdut shown by our community and from the greater Jewish community world-wide.

We want to give special thanks to the medical team from Medical University South Carolina headed by Dr. Joel B. Cochran for saving her life and stabilizing Orah Meital so that she was able to be transferred to New York. We also give our tremendous thanks to Dr. Phil Lanzkowsky, Medical Director of Schneider’s Children’s Hospital for accepting her and making all the necessary arrangements.

More in the Extended Article.

Orah Meital was successfully transported this past Friday morning to Schneider’s Children’s Hospital/LIJ where with Hashems help she will continue to receive the best possible medical attention and also be closer to her family who keep a 24 hour vigil at her bedside as her health condition improves slightly each and every day, and as we are all awaiting for her miraculous and complete recovery when she will bezrat Hashem awake from her coma.

A special website has been created www.orahmital.com where one can go to see more information and post your own Hachlata for Orah Meital Bas Bella full and speedy recovery.

With her transport to New York, there are many new challenges facing the family such as a need for babysitters to help with the younger children, transportation to and from Crown Heights and the hospital in Great Neck, as well as financial costs not covered by her insurance such as the medical airlift and transport from South Carolina to New York.

Anyone wishing to help in any way, physically, spiritually and/or financially is asked to please contact the family designated representative, by calling (347) 243-7578 or by emailing omhabosha@gmail.com

With the continued Achdut, Chesed and Hachlatot being done in her Zechut, may we all merit to see her full and immediate recovery and may we all be blessed for a Ktiva Vachatima Tova, Leshana haba byerushalayim.

The Habosha family


  • Refuah Shlaima

    I believe a mention of the Shluchim in South Carolina – Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi Refson – deserve a mention here for all that they have done to help the family during their stay in South Carolina.

  • yos1974@aol.com

    My understanding is that Medicaid covers transport from an out of state hospital to a home state sine it gets discount medical care in its home state, was that Medicaid covered the transport from Sc , lets not ask for money for things that are not need it spoils it for the people that are in true need

  • Af Eitzes Hob Ich .......

    To Yoss:

    Thanks for the advice, I’m sure it is very appreciated by the family, but why don’t you pick up a phone and make the necessary arrangements yourself.

    Anyone who has ever worked on a Medicaid case knows that getting reimbursement takes months and months of negotiating, arguing, pleading, and sometimes cannot be solved until the issue goes to court.

    Anyone who has ever had a family member who is not well probably knows that the "Eitzes" come in by the hundreds, but the actual arrangements are made with the efforts of the Child’s parents, or sometimes the child of an elderly parent, but nobody else even the closest siblings. They are good at giving ideas and suggestions but don’t show up when someone is needed to take a shift by the patient’s bedside.

    My grandmother was left with $10,000 in medical bills for basic medical care such as prescription drugs, dialysis and even surgeries not covered for my grandfathers Medicare or Medicaid – and I could tell you that in the months before he passed away no body except for my grandmother was there to hire lawyers, write letter after letter, explaining the importance and necessity for basic medical treatment he was receiving.

    My other grandfather is paying more than a thousand dollars a month on one of his prescription medications, and it took a very long time and hard effort to get Medicare to pay for his drug, the case almost had to go to court.

    My grandmothers INSULIN is not covered not by Medicaid nor Medicare. In those few times she would go into Ketoacidosis, blood sugar reaching lifethreatning levels, I had to go searching for insulin which I got from a friend. If you look into Medicaid coverage I’m sure you will find that Insulin is covered. But the bottom line is that the pharmacy would not give it to her.

    I also worked in the field of prehospital medical transport. In addition to the medical report we wrote for each patient, Medicaid would not pay for an ambulance transfer unless there was a special form filled out by a physician giving a detailed explanation why this patient requires ambulance stretcher and not a taxi. if this form was not filled out properly at the time of transfer, and the transfer was not to a emergency room – Medicaid would NOT pay for the transfer.

    Insurance coverage policies are very, very complex, and there is a reason many competing physicians and dentists do not accept Medicaid patients, and there is a reason why the family a patient is financially squeezed to the wall.

    The family does not need your "Eitzes", Yossel, they need your support.

    To give an example from my personal experience with an ill family member, my family will never forget the kindness of a friend who gave his car to us which made three trips a day from crown heights to Mt Sinai Hospital.

    Any family of a hospitalized patient does not need Eitzes. they need a vehicle, time, money, and assistance of any type possible.

  • Refuah Shleima

    Baruch Hashem and may she have a Refuah Shleima!!! let’s all unite to help her reach a full recovery and be there for her and her family when they are in need!
    yos1974 – i am sure they are aware of whatever financial help they can get from the government and that on top of that there are MANY more expenses!

  • Anonymous

    In reply to some of the comments, allow me to repond as follows:
    1) The family has trmendous appreciation for the help tey received from the Refson’s. This update was prepared by a friend who mistakenly and painfully forgot to mention them.
    2) Medicaid was asked to pay for the air transport but so far they have refused.

  • ItzhakS


    Thanks for letting the whole world know about the family’s personal insurance situation – as if you do know that they are on Medicaid. Even if they did make a mistake in asking for something that they later found out they were covered for, you cannot imagine what this family is going through and certainly you understand that they are in no state of mind to deal with complicated insurance rules. If you are such an expert, please contact the family via the channel that they requested and offer to help them navigate the mess. I am sure they need such help as very few of us, can understand our health insurance policies, private or public. As it stands, your comment is loshon horo of the worst kind, sir.

  • get better!!!

    im sickend to know that yos1974 has said such a thing.
    does everything that happens always have to have a negative comment?
    this poor girl is waiting to get better while the whole world is praying for her to wake up and you selfishly say such a thing….and for rabbi Yossi Refson and his family thats very nice of you!! and im sure you an everyone knows that the family is thankful. anways i just hope that people could keep the nasty, rude, negative comments to themselfs and lets bring moshiach!!!