Mother & Child Struck by Reversing Minivan

Left: the minivan that struck the mother and child.

Brooklyn, NY — This afternoon at around 1:30pm a mother was crossing East New York Ave. between Kingston and Brooklyn and was struck and injured by a reversing Minivan. The mother, who was holding her infant baby girl in an ‘Infant Carrier’ on the way to her car, was suddenly struck by a minivan that was reversing.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

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Head Staff for Gan Israel – Detroit Announced!

Announced on the GCI Detroit’s website are the head staff members for this year’s summer!

The “Head Counselors” are: Yitzi Steiner (Toronto, Ontario), Yudi Shmotkin (Milwaukee, WI) and Zalman Bendet (S. Paul, MN) and the “Learning Directors” are: Mendel Shemtov (Uruguay)and Mendel Shemtov (Toledo, OH).

Baruch Dayan HaEmes – Mrs Charitonow OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rochel Charitonow of Crown Heights.

She is survived by her daughters Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim Mrs. Bella Rubashkin (Crown Heights) Mrs Dusia Vogel (London, England) Mrs Leah Dubrowski (Crown Heights) and Mrs Etel Krasnianski (Philadelphia, PA).

The Levaya will be today, Wednesday and will be passing 770 at about 4 in the afternoon,

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

Victim of Virginia Tech Shooting To Be Flown to Israel Today
Dr. Librescu at his grandson’s circumcison (Photo: Yaron Brener,

Roanoke, VA — Thus far, only one of the victims of the shooting at Virginia Tech, was confirmed Jewish. Chabad representatives were on call today, ensuring that he receive a traditional Jewish burial.

Hikind seeks to locate owner of Tefillin found in JFK

Illustration Photo.

Brooklyn, NY — When Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was recently contacted by a constituent about tracking down a set of tefillin lost at JFK airport, Hikind was informed by NYPD that they had in their possession another lost tallis bag which held two sets of tefillin and are embroidered with the name in Hebrew: “Aaron Tzvi Hakohen Katz.”

Thirty Three Murders – Current Events

Yanki Tauber –

G-d was murdered Monday. Thirty-three times over.

No, this isn’t my hyperbolic way of venting my sadness and rage. It’s what the sages of the Talmud said more than two thousand years ago.

They pointed out that the Ten Commandments were inscribed by G-d on two stone tablets, forming a correlation between one set of five commandments inscribed on the first tablet and the second set inscribed on the second tablet. Thus the first commandment, “I am the L-rd your G-d” corresponds to the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder.”

Sewer Work Underway on Kingston and Carroll

Scheduled to start today is the installation of a new sewer line under the intersection of Carroll and Kingston. Part of the road will be closed off and there will be no parking on Kingston between Carroll and President, in order to allow a better flow of traffic.

More in the Extended Article.

Footballer fined for ‘Nazi’ insult

The Age
On the left Menachem Vorchheimer after the assault. On the right Simon Christian, one of three men charged over an alleged race hate attack leaves court.

Melbourne, Australia — An Ocean Grove footballer has been convicted and fined $1000 for abusing a Jewish businessman.

Magistrate Barbara Cotterell earlier blasted footballer Simon Phillip Christian’s “extremely racist” behaviour when he was part of an alleged race hate attack last year.

Chabad Responds to Tragedy With Mitzvah Drive: “Week of Goodness and Kindness” to Begin Friday

Joshua Runyan –

Blacksburg, VA — As a university and nation began the transition from shock to mourning one day after the deadliest shooting attack in American history, the network of more than 100 campus Chabad Houses declared a “Week of Goodness and Kindness” as a way to honor the memory of the slain. The goal of the effort, according to organizers, is simple: to translate the pain of grief into the healing of positive action.

Thousands Gather for a Seders in the Urals

Yekaterinbureg, Russia — Over 2,000 people participated in the six seders that were organized throughout the city last week, which to most, were a shining example of the growth of the Jewish community in the Urals. With the large number of participants following strict kosher requirements, community members began food preparations a week ahead of time.

Kavod Acharon For Professor Librescu

The Yeshiva World News

Shortly after the devastating news broke of the massacre at Virginia Tech, the family of Professor Liviu Librescu was notified of his death. The 75-year-old Holocaust survivor sacrificed his life to save his students.

The family immediately contacted the ZAKA Organization in Eretz Yisroel to help expedite the release of the niftar, who in turn advised the family to contact Rabbi Isaac Lieder in Monsey, NY.

Rabbi Lieder quickly contacted the medical examiner’s office in Roanoke, Virginia, and explained that the professor was Jewish and Jewish law prohibits performing an autopsy on a deceased person. They guaranteed Rabbi Lieder that even though they were dealing with the largest investigation of a shooting on US soil, there would in fact be no autopsy, just a minimally invasive procedure to remove the bullets, followed by a few x-rays.

Scottsdale Chabad Plans new Mikvah

by Leisah Woldoff – Jewish News of Greater Phoenix
A for the immersion of vessels. (Illustration Photo)

Scottsdale, AZ — Chabad of Scottsdale plans on building a mikvah, or ritual bath, this year to offer Valley Jews a convenient place to perform the mitzvah of tevilas keilim (immersion of vessels). It will not be used for taharat ha-mishpacha (family purity).