Announced on the GCI Detroit’s website are the head staff members for this year’s summer!
The “Head Counselors” are: Yitzi Steiner (Toronto, Ontario), Yudi Shmotkin (Milwaukee, WI) and Zalman Bendet (S. Paul, MN) and the “Learning Directors” are: Mendel Shemtov (Uruguay)and Mendel Shemtov (Toledo, OH).
Head Staff for Gan Israel – Detroit Announced!
Announced on the GCI Detroit’s website are the head staff members for this year’s summer!
The “Head Counselors” are: Yitzi Steiner (Toronto, Ontario), Yudi Shmotkin (Milwaukee, WI) and Zalman Bendet (S. Paul, MN) and the “Learning Directors” are: Mendel Shemtov (Uruguay)and Mendel Shemtov (Toledo, OH).
web site
The web site is
a shemtov friend
what a coincedence shemtov shemtov and shmotkin!! jk! jk!
Harvy Knasim!
Chevreh! Behatzlacha Rabba!
Same Socks...?
We want Levi “same socks”!
best memories as a camper were from the best camp ever!
staff keep up the amazing work!
who the head waiter this year
King Saul Fan
hatzlacha rabba!
What do you think the office manager will announce on the PA when he wants one learning director and not the other?
to ZA
mendel uruguay
mendel toledo
why, youre planning on being office manager?
chaim m.
i heard that they finnaly built a new bunk house after all those years
Chaim Moshe
Looks like Detroit are going to have an AMAZING summer.
Chaim Moshe is your birthday 7 Adar??? no wonder you’re so proud of the head staff this year!!!
nice to hear from you.
to chaim m.
yes they built to new bunk houses, theyre located between the ‘main’ and ‘other’ side.
Ot Nik
“its my birthday on TUSDAY”
Hatlacha mendel toledo
head staff after such major decision making on who the head staff will be, i’m sure the summer will be one of a kind!
Shemtov & Shemtov Inc.
Hatzlacha rabba!
make us proud!
summer 5766
whos taking shimmys place?
they have BIG shose to fill
On behalf of YK 5766
What a coincidence! Bendet & Detroit!
to: wondering
The head waiter is undecided, however the waiter learning teacher is Sholomkeh Scharf!
Red pichers (a.k.a. Sirnnoff)!
Souns like it’s gonna be one big Farbrengen with a few L’chaim’s in between!