No, this isn't my hyperbolic way of venting my sadness and rage. It's what the sages of the Talmud said more than two thousand years ago.
They pointed out that the Ten Commandments were inscribed by G-d on two stone tablets, forming a correlation between one set of five commandments inscribed on the first tablet and the second set inscribed on the second tablet. Thus the first commandment, “I am the L-rd your G-d” corresponds to the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder.”
Thirty Three Murders – Current Events
G-d was murdered Monday. Thirty-three times over.
No, this isn’t my hyperbolic way of venting my sadness and rage. It’s what the sages of the Talmud said more than two thousand years ago.
They pointed out that the Ten Commandments were inscribed by G-d on two stone tablets, forming a correlation between one set of five commandments inscribed on the first tablet and the second set inscribed on the second tablet. Thus the first commandment, “I am the L-rd your G-d” corresponds to the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder.”
How so? Our sages offered the following parable: “A king entered a country and put up portraits of himself, and made statues of himself, and minted coins with his image. After a while, the people of the country desecrated his portraits, smashed his statues and defaced his coins, thereby reducing the image of the king. So, too, one who sheds blood reduces the image of the King, as it is written (Genesis 9:6): ‘One who spills a man’s blood… for in the image of G-d He made man.’”
There are those who would say that the problem with our murderous world today is that there’s not enough religion. Others would posit that the problem is that there’s too much religion. But this is not about religion — it’s about G-d.
G-d attests that He created man in his image. The deeper meaning of this statement is the subject of much commentary and discussion. But on the most basic level it simply means that a human life is holy and divine because a human life is G-d’s way of making himself present in our world. Murdering a human being is banishing G-d from our world.
If you believe in G-d the way G-d believes in Himself (is there any other way?) you don’t wantonly destroy a human life. If you wantonly destroy a human life you don’t believe in G-d. It’s that simple.
G-d was banished from our world yesterday. And then banished again and again, thirty-three times in succession. It’s now our job to bring Him back.
With every good deed, with every kind word, with every positive thought, we bring a bit of G-dliness into our G-d-depleted world. And if we do it for the sake of those whose lives were snuffed out yesterday, we resurrect something of the divine spark that was their life, in a small but deeply significant way.
It’s the least we can do for them.
Beautiful! Thank you!
dont you mean 32? the last one was the killer himself!!!
To Yossi
no, as bad as the killer was, he was still a human being, and therefore created in the image of G-d.
Well said
Finally a commentary on this event that doesn’t offer meaningless platitudes or insult the intelligence of the reader. Thank you.
this is so sad.
So if there is more bad then good, then G-d is banished from this world i.e. not in this world?
A Viewer
Very well written. Thank you.
Great point, this is what happens when society rejects g-d and starts baning guns.
such a nice article!
wat exactly happened