Thousands Gather for a Seders in the Urals
Yekaterinbureg, Russia — Over 2,000 people participated in the six seders that were organized throughout the city last week, which to most, were a shining example of the growth of the Jewish community in the Urals. With the large number of participants following strict kosher requirements, community members began food preparations a week ahead of time.
During the seders, Yekaterinburg’s Chief Rabbi Zelig Ashkenazi and his wife Hannah helped lead the traditional meals. But the real leaders were the children who got a chance to practice their Jewish education by instructing adults in the proper rituals.
Places chosen for the Seders included: a café where veteran organization members gathered, a restaurant which housed community sponsors, and the gymnasium of the Jewish community center which turned into a Seder location for those associated with Ohr Avner.
good job
kl it looks like hard work has been done ther good job for anyone that helped with it!!