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Video of the Day – Rabbi Kantor speaks at The Banquet

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor Shliach in Bangkok, Thailand delivers the keynote address to thousands of his fellow Shluchim and community members from around the world at the 2006 International Conference of Shluchim.

Lubavitch Debuts Its Hub With a Flourish

The Jewish Exponent
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Rabbi Shraga Sherman

Merion Station, PA — It’s been seven years of real estate shopping, zoning-board hearings, fundraising and construction, but Lubavitch of the Main Line finally has a new home — at one of the oldest spots in town.

The General Wayne Inn, which once served as a pub for British redcoats and later as a post office founded by Benjamin Franklin, will now play host to a bevy of Jewish activities.

Speaking at a lavish opening ceremony on Jan. 31, Rabbi Shraga Sherman, director of Lubavitch of the Main Line, called the refurbished space “a tremendous nexus of this three-millennia-history of the Jews and the 300-year-history of the building.”

Jewish Television Programming in Kazakhstan

FJC News

Alamaty, Kazakhstan — The popular Kazakh channel “Habar” has launched a television series on Judaism, Jewish traditions, and history. The program is spearheaded by the Chabad Lubavitch representative to Kazakhstan, Rabbi Menahem Mendel Gershovitz.

The first part of the program consists of a half-hour segment on Shabbat. Mrs. Elka Gershovitz hosts the program which explains how to prepare for Friday night Shabbat dinner, with many ethnically Jewish dishes. Students from the S.T.A.R.S. program assist her in preparing meals on the air.

Script for a New Beginning

The Jewish Exponent

Wynnewood, PA — A new Torah scroll was completed recently for Chabad of Penn Wynne, with New York scribe Rabbi Gad Sebag in town to put the final letters on the document with the help of local residents. After the last letter was completed, the ink was allowed to dry before a procession took place, from the Kaiserman Branch of the Jewish Community Centers in Wynnewood to the ark at the Chabad House on the corner of Haverford Road and Indian Creek Drive. Women held candles and men danced in the street along the way until they arrived at their destination, where the scroll was welcomed, and participants shared in a festive breakfast.

Pictures in the Extended Article.

Entire Eruv Comes Down

The Acorn
Protest brings an end to religious marker – Stock Photo

Oak Park, CA — The thin monofilament line that marked a Jewish religious boundary in Oak Park, Agoura Hills and Westlake Village is being removed entirely, officials said last week.

Oak Park residents were the first to complain about the high wires crisscrossing the streets, saying they said didn’t know about the project until it was completed. There were concerns that the thin lines were unsightly and a danger to birds.

Boruch Dayan Haemes – Chana Klein OBM

With profound sadness and pain we inform you of the very untimely passing of Chana Klein (Crown Heights) after a lengthy illness r”l.

The Levaya will take place today-Thursday 1:00pm @ Shomrei hadas Funeral Home in Boro-Park, 1:30 at 770, going to Montefurry.

Chana is survived by Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim: her father Mr. Menachem Klein and mother Mrs. Chaya Rochel Klein and sisters: Mrs Orah Nachama Bass, Neena Navonah Klein, Dasyah Efrat Klein.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim. Vehukeetzu Veranenu Shochnay Ufur Vehee Besochom!,

Chabad Marks Halfway in Fund Drive

By Mike Sherwin – The Jewish Light Staff
Rabbi Hershy Novack

Chabad on Campus has passed the halfway point in its goal to raise $850,000 to pay for and renovate its new home near Washington University. Now the organization is hoping members of the community will lend their support — and open their wallets — to help Chabad meet its fundraising goals.

In July 2006, Chabad on Campus moved out of its previous location, an apartment on Forsyth Boulevard about two-and-a-half blocks from the Washington University campus, out of which it had operated for almost four years.

Its new building is located at 7018 Forsyth Blvd., just a few doors down from the western edge of the main Washington University campus. Chabad on Campus received funding from the Rohr Foundation to help purchase the property.

Pushka Thief Arrested

At around 4:40pm on Wednesday an alert resident spotted a known Pushka (charity box) thief roaming around stores on Kingston Ave, the resident became suspicious and followed the suspect for a bit and moments later he entered the ‘Linen Concepts’ store and took one of the Pushkas.

The resident then called 911 and reported the incident, and police officers arrived soon thereafter and apprehended the thief. A quick search of his possessions turned up the stolen Pushka. He was immediately arrested and placed in handcuffs.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Farbrengen with Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Shliach of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida Farbrenged with Rabbi Shlomo Riskin Chief Rabbi of Efrat Israel about the Brochos he received from the Rebbe.

Rabbi Riskin spent six hours at a private Farbrengen at the home of Eliyahu Ben Pinchas a staunch supporter of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida.

More in the Extended Article!

Video of the Day – Weekly Living Torah Clip

Excerpt from Living Torah Disc 32 Program 126, 22 Shevat 5752 – Jan. 27 1992: The Rebbe observes the Yahrtzeit (anniversary of the passing) of his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson. Played here with the Children’s Narration feature.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Yisro

The Rebbe says:

1. In this weeks Torah portion Hashem gives the Jewish people his most prized possession- the Torah. Hashem came down on Mount Sinai and gave us the Ten Commandments (Exodus, Chapter 19, verse16 until Chapter 20, Verse 19).

Hashem’s first commandment to the Jewish people is “A’no’chee Ha’va’ya E’lo’kecha asher ho’tzay’sicha may’eretz mitz’rayim me’bais avodim – I am Hashem your G-d Who took you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slaves” (Chapter 20, Verse 2).

2. In the following paragraph the Rebbe introduces a teaching which will be the basis for a question:

Rabbi Zalman Posner Farbrengs With Tiferes Bachurim

It’s been 10 days since Yud-Shevat, when the expectations of the Rebbe and Previous Rebbe greatly dwell in the hearts of all Tomchei Bachurim. It’s been even longer since Gimmel-Tammuz but despite this we continue to serve Hashem and follow the Rebbe by farbrenging with elder chassidum and accomplish shluchim. Thus, you can imagine the excitement of Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim, last night, Rabbi Zalman I. Posner, head shliach of Tennessee, visited for a farbrengen. He spoke in a stream of consciousness spanning memories of his father of the Rebbe Rashab and Itcher the Masmid to his personal encounters with the Rebbe and Rebbitzin.

Starrett City Draws $1B Bid From Developer

The New York Sun

Berkshire LLC submitted by far the highest bid — more than $1 billion — for the 5,881-unit Brooklyn housing complex Starrett City, according to two sources familiar the deal. Last night, work on finalizing the deal extended late into the evening.

Billionaire developer Lev Leviev controls Berkshire LLC. Also a diamond trader, Mr. Leviev is a former partner of active New York developer Shaya Boymelgreen and the owner of Africa Israel Investments, a publicly traded company.