Illinois Shluchim Celebrate 30 Years and Thirty Centers

Chabad of Illinois is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary while reaching a milestone of establishing thirty Chabad Mosdos in the state of Illinois. The celebration began this past Motzai Shabbos Shira at the annual Illinois Kinus Hashluchim.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The first session for the forty five shluchim couples in Illinois, took place at the prestigious Wilmette Golf Club and was hosted by the Shluchim of Wilmette, Rabbi and Mrs. David Flinkenstein.

Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Moskowitz, Associate Director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois chaired the event. After words of welcome he introduced Rabbi Meir Schanowitz, a shliach in Cheder Lubavitch who gave the Dvar Torah. Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein, shliach in Wilmette and host of the evening was the next speaker. He was followed by Rabbi Mendel Goldstein of Lubavitch Chabad of Naperville who discussed his first year of Shlichus and represented the four new families of shluchim who have come to Illinois this year.

Afterwards, Rabbi Daniel Moskowitz, Shliach Roshi in Illinois was asked to address the Shluchim with a “state of the state” report. He thanked the Shluchim and Shluchos for their dedication and devotion to the sacred mission that the Rebbe has entrusted each Shliach with. He distributed the new “Illuminate Illinois” newsletter and outlined some of the goals of the thirtieth anniversary and announced plans for a gala celebration dinner to be held on 13 Sivan. As a token of appreciation each couple was presented with a gift.

The stage was now set for the keynote address by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Chitrik of Tsfat. In his address he stirred the audience to achieve a higher level of devotion to the holy Shlichus of the Rebbe.

The Kinus continued on Sunday at Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie where three working sessions were held. The sessions were given by Mr. Martin Blumenthal an accountant and lawyer and a member of Chabad of Highland Park, Mr. P. Woerpel, and Rabbi Shais Taub of Chabad of Wisconsin.

The sheves achim spirit that permeated this Kinus HaShluchim will long be remembered. All the participants look forward to the next Kinus in the Bais Hamikdosh Hashlishi.