Pushka Thief Arrested

At around 4:40pm on Wednesday an alert resident spotted a known Pushka (charity box) thief roaming around stores on Kingston Ave, the resident became suspicious and followed the suspect for a bit and moments later he entered the ‘Linen Concepts’ store and took one of the Pushkas.

The resident then called 911 and reported the incident, and police officers arrived soon thereafter and apprehended the thief. A quick search of his possessions turned up the stolen Pushka. He was immediately arrested and placed in handcuffs.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • Store on Troy

    This guy has a partner, he has come into my store and gotten away with 2 of my pushkas.

  • concerned

    they walk among us. meaning that there are more of them (not skeptical, just realistic), so its important to attach the pushkas…nail them down however you can. very important. also you can attach something to the bottom that makes them too heavy to pick up. whatever. we have a free forum here, so others can come up with creative ideas. we all work together and come up with great ideas!

  • true jew

    “Store on Troy” If you would have made a police report then he would be charged for robbing your store

  • witness

    this man i saw him puting something in his pocket then he walked down albany
    between lefferts empire then he started
    to run he stole from virtual imagining.

  • fri159

    its not robbery its petit larceny, call the police when u see them not after they do it