So is it Oser to vote, or is it a good thing?

As the day of the elections for rabonim is approaching, Rabbi Osdoba and Rabbi Schwei released opposing statements in reference to the elections. R. Shwei wrote; “Those who participate in the elections will be assisting the organizers in their transgressions” while R. Osdoba wrote; “The election is a very positive thing, and I am requesting from each and every person who eligible to vote, to do so for the sake of heaven”.

Click on in the Extended Article to view both letters

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Merkos Book Finalist at National Jewish Book Awards

E.J. Tansky –

Likened to the Jewish Pulitzer Prize, the National Jewish Book Awards have chosen Merkos Publication’s “The Last Pair of Shoes” as a runner-up for the Louis Posner Memorial 2005 Prize.

Judges selected “The Last Pair of Shoes” in the category of illustrated children’s books, for skillfully drawing the readers in and managing to “convey the moral value” without “being preachy.”

Author Sashi Fridman, who lives in Russia, was not at the National Jewish Book Awards ceremony last night, but her delight in the award comes through across the continents. Not only is the award a pat on the back for Fridman’s first foray into children’s prose, but the award promises a wider audience for “values of kindness and sharing the book tries to convey.”

Librarians from around the country contact the National Jewish Book Council for their list of award winners and finalists which were honored at last night’s ceremony at the Center for Jewish History in Manhattan. “They use them as a guideline for ordering” their Jewish book selections, said Program Director Miri Pomerantz. Copies of the book are dressed up with the National Jewish Book Award’s glossy seal.

Tonight – The Precinct Council Meeting

Lets all make our voices heard! Tonight at 7:30pm in the I.S. 61 [400 Empire Blvd. corner of New York Ave. and Empire Blvd.].

Raise our voices against the barrage of shootings that have been going on along with the number of murders there were in the past week. Demand protection!

Va’ad HaKohol Responds To Comments

After many readers commented on the letter issued by Moshe Rubashkin in the name of the Va’ad HaKohol, we received a response from the Va’ad addressing issues raised by individual’s comments.

Presented in the extended article are the responses to the comments along with letters from Rubashkin in response to; R. Mangel, Nash and Sprelin. Update: Letter From Nuchie Gross.

The Weekly Sedra – Tazria Metzora

This week we read two Torah portions that cover the strange laws of Tzoraat.

Tzoraat is loosely translated as ‘leprosy’ because both are skin diseases but really there is very little similarity.

One of the outstanding differences between them is that Tzoraat is not caused by germs and it cannot be cured medically. Rather, its cause is haughtiness (i.e. false egotism) the only cure for it is humility (Rashi14:4).

Does this make sense? True, haughtiness is an ugly trait but it certainly is not a sin.

And conversely humility, as laudable as it may be, is not a commandment.

Why should they bring such exaggerated results that two entire sections of the Torah are devoted to them?

Bicycle Rider Struck on Eastern Parkway

At around 9:00am Wednesday a cyclist on his way to work was stuck by a car when crossing the intersection of Eastern Pkwy. and Albany Ave. The driver of the bike, a black male, was struck and went flying off his bike sustaining only minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital by FDNY EMS, while the driver of the car, a black woman, was shaken up.

The Bike Rider was headed down Eastern Parkway towards 770 in the service lane opposite 770, and the car was coming down Albany Ave. and it remains unclear as to who had the right-of-way, but in general when a pedestrian or cyclist get hit by a car it is usually ends up being the drivers fault.

More pictures in the Extended Article.