This special offering was not brought anytime but rather only on the four occasions enumerated in Psalm 107: after getting out of prison, crossing a sea, crossing a desert or recovering from a serious disease.
This is very appropriate to the holiday of Passover (which we celebrate this coming week) when we give thanks to HaShem for exactly these four miracles. He took us out of Egyptian imprisonment, across the 'Red' sea, through the desert and to the revelation at Mount Sinai where all diseases were cured.
The Weekly Sedra – Tzav
This week’s section continues the laws of the animal sacrifices adding, among other things, the details of the Korbon Toda – the Thanksgiving Offering.
This special offering was not brought anytime but rather only on the four occasions enumerated in Psalm 107: after getting out of prison, crossing a sea, crossing a desert or recovering from a serious disease.
This is very appropriate to the holiday of Passover (which we celebrate this coming week) when we give thanks to HaShem for exactly these four miracles. He took us out of Egyptian imprisonment, across the ‘Red’ sea, through the desert and to the revelation at Mount Sinai where all diseases were cured.