Roving Rabbis to Come to Isle of Man

ROVING RABBIS: Rabbis Shimon Kivman (front) and Mendel Yaffee

Roving Rabbis Mendel Yaffee and Shimon Kivman are visiting the Isle of Man this week. The Roving Rabbi Project sends out rabbis and rabbinical students across the globe bringing Judaism or a helping hand to communities which either do or do not have a rabbi or a full ledger Jewish community.

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Merkos Shlichus Blog: My Prayer

by Eli Cowen and Eli Tsvik

After a long and tiring but successful day, Eli and I (we are both named Eli) headed to our lodging to retire for the night. After making something quick to eat to fill our starving, food-deprived stomachs, we prayed the afternoon service—a prayer like none I had ever experienced before. The extreme gratitude to G‑d for helping us find and connect with so many of His people had really moved me. But when I got to the Shema Koleinu blessing—where you ask for your own personal request—I was stumped: What could I possibly need? I’m here doing what I love, helping Jews connect with their Judaism.

The Strange and the Unknown

By Boruch Werdiger and Mendel Spalter

Kaua‘i, Hawaii. What is it about this place?

Even the name, the street signs, the local paper, have an evocative vibe. All those H’s, W’s, and U’s make the cadences of Hawaiian sound like it’s the wind talking. It all has this exotic feel to it: something faraway, involving islands, and just foreign enough.

‘Roving Rabbis’ Touch Down in Durham

Durham Region

Rabbi Shloime Greene and Rabbi Chaim Rubashkin visited Durham Region as part of the Roving Rabbis program, which sees young rabbis and rabbinical students travel the globe connecting with Jewish people.

DURHAM, Ontario — Malls and coffee shops may not be spiritual places, but if you ask Rabbi Shloime Greene and Rabbi Chaim Rubashkin they’re a great place to chat about faith.

Roving Rabbis: Spooked from Spokane

Sometimes G‑d taps you on the shoulder and smiles, and the only thing you can do is smile back.

Yesterday was our first day in Kenosha, WI. Just after we landed, Mendy (both of us are named Mendy) felt his cell phone vibrate. It was an unfamiliar number from Washington State. Now, we had gone roving in Washington together (read about that here), but that was two summers ago.

Merkos Shlichus: A 3 Day Marathon of Interviews

Last week, hundreds of Bochurim found themselves at Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights, as they participated in a three day marathon of interviews for Pesach’s Merkos Shlichus. The Bochurim met with Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, who directs and is responsible for this program, along with project coordinators, Rabbi’s Mendel Kotlarsky and Schneur Nejar.

Yom Kippur in Bangalore

Rabbi Tzvi Rivkin and his wife Noa are Completing their Third year on Shlichus and they had Bochrim Yisroel Karasik and Tzali Wilschanski on Merkos Shlichus to India after arriving in the city of Goa before Rosh Hashana they flew to Bangalore for Yom Kippur.

Roving Rabbis in Montreal

Rabbinical students Ephraim Oster and Yisroel Sternbach just completed an intense 2 week visit to Town of Mont Royal, Montreal. Under the guidance of Chabad TMR director Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski they divided their day between appointments with local Jewish businessman and family visitations.

Merkos Shlichus in Surrey Comes to an End

Roving Rabbis Yosef Schtroks and Yaakov Kotlarsky, are coming to the end of there two weeks of Roving out in Surrey, BC, Canada. Over the last two weeks they have encountered Jews of all stripes and colors.

Roving Rabbis Pay Visit to Marquette

Following the commandment to visit and share their faith with other Jewish people, rabbis in training Aharon Kupfer, left, and Boruch Gancz, both of New York City, visited Marquette this week as part of the outreach required by their religious training. They will also be visiting Mackinac City and Traverse City before returning to school.

Many students in high school or college might consider studying abroad, using that period of travel to explore the world and enhance their educations.