Merkos Shlichus: A 3 Day Marathon of Interviews

Last week, hundreds of Bochurim found themselves at Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights, as they participated in a three day marathon of interviews for Pesach’s Merkos Shlichus. The Bochurim met with Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, who directs and is responsible for this program, along with project coordinators, Rabbi’s Mendel Kotlarsky and Schneur Nejar.

During the meeting, groups of 20 Bochurim were interviewed about why they want to spend their Pesach Seders thousands of miles away from their families and discussed the Zechus to represent the Rebbe and Merkos in these communities.

In a new twist Rabbi Kotlarsky quizzed the Bochurim on how they would lead a public Seder or react to an instantaneous issue that may arise. This gave the groups the opportunity to learn from the discussion and prepare for the Shlichus.

“The strong desire of young Bochurim to take partake in Merkos Shlichus, grows in size each year”, says Rabbi Nejar, coordinator of the program. “This year we have received more than 650 applicants since enrollment began, making it the largest group of Bochurim to go out on Merkos Shlichus.”