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Video: Tribute to the Rebbe in UN Assembly Hall

Rabbi Yehuda Kaploun, President of Water-Gen USA and a Lubavitcher chassid, chose to sign off his public address at the United Nations Headquarters by mentioning that the day coincided with the third of Tammuz, and reiterating the berachah delivered by the Rebbe at the end of every Farbrengen: “May we merit the building of the Beis Hamikdash in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, with the coming of Mashiach Tzidkeinu.”

Video: When Life Seems at a Standstill

At one point or another many people feel as if life were like a giant hamster wheel. We may have a period where we feel that things are just an endless routine and that we aren’t really progressing anywhere. We feel stuck. Rabbi Pinchas Taylor reminds us that sometimes those are the very moments which are shaping us for greatness.