Photos: Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen in 770
Hundreds gathered last night, Thursday, for a Farbrengen in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan, the Rebbe’s birthday, in the main Shul of 770.
Hundreds gathered last night, Thursday, for a Farbrengen in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan, the Rebbe’s birthday, in the main Shul of 770.
The Mayor of Toronto, Mr. John Tory, receives a box of Shmura Matza from Rabbi Yirmi Cohen, after which he returned Passover well-wishes to the city’s entire Jewish community.
CHK, the Kashrus division of the Beis Din of Crown Heights, headed by Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, released a list of products that are under its supervision for Pesach this year.
One year, around ten years after the passing of Malka’s adopted parents and her immediate decision to move as far away as one can, a rabbi showed up in her village, knocked on her door and asked if she was Jewish. “I was shocked,” says Malka, “as I thought I would never be found; but I answered truthfully, ‘Yes.’ But then I asked him, ‘How do you know?’ He told me that he has a small package containing matza for me from the Rebbe.”
The Lubavitch community of Paris gathered last night at the Beis Chaya Mushka girls’ school for a Farbrengen marking the 115th anniversary of the Rebbe’s birth, led by Rabbi Mendel Azimov and Rabbi Elchonon Marozov.
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat, Dayan on the Beis Din of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the USA and Canada, will deliver part two of his lecture on the laws and customs of Pesach: Peeling vegetables, oil or shmaltz etc.
A product that is not certified as kosher for Pesach was erroneously stocked on the shelves of The Marketplace’s Pesach store by a non-Jewish employee, CrownHeights.info has learned.
CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives present a pair of unique photos of the Rebbe distributing Kos Shel Bracha after Yomtov, circa 1985.
In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday, Kehot Publication Society has released a special edition of the Rebbe’s Kapitel Tehillim for the coming year, Kapitel 116, which is excerpted from their newly-published Tehillim with commentary from the Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah, Classic commentators and the Chasidic masters, compiled by Rabbi Yosef B. Marcus.
The White House released a proclamation designating April 7, 2017 as Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A in honor of the 115th anniversary of Rebbe’s birth.