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Video: Senator Reveals Motive Behind Plastic Bag Tax

Orthodox-Jewish New York State Senator Simcha Felder recently introduced a bill that would preempt any city in the state from banning or taxing the use of plastic shopping bags, aiming to block a recently-passed bag fee in New York City from being implemented. When challenged on this bill by a fellow senator in favor of the tax, Sen. Felder persuasively defended his bill with eloquence – and a bit of Jewish humor as well.

Elie Wiesel: “Therefore Be Jewish”

The passing this Shabbat, June 2, of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, has been garnering reactions from leaders and laypeople around the world. A prolific author and Nobel Laureate, Wiesel brought the evil of the Holocaust into the public conversation stirring the conscience of society at a time when survivors’ voices were not readily heard.