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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF Freshware Meal Prep Containers, 50 Pack

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

Freshware Meal Prep Containers, 50 Pack

1 Compartment Food Storage Containers with Lids

Bento Box, BPA Free, Stackable

Microwave/Dishwasher/Freezer Safe (16 oz)

DEAL PRICE: $14.41 (52% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

Mazal Tov's View More

117-Year-Old Shiur Makes 45th Siyum on Mishna

A special ceremony was held in Yerushalaim to celebrate the world’s longest standing shiur. Chevra Mishnayos of Colel Chabad completed all six volumes of Mishnayos and celebrated with the many guests who arrived at the Eshel Yerushalaim soup kitchen to take part in this special occasion.

Monday: Rally at the Ohel

Today, Monday, the 15th of Iyar (May 23), there will be a rally at the Ohel for all children ages 5 to 12 featuring a great program with games, refreshments and a raffle. Each child will receive a bow and arrow set in honor of Lag Ba’omer. Buses will leave 770 at 5:00pm and return at 7:45pm. Transportation will cost $3.

Info to Be Menachem Avel R’ Shimon Sherr

R’ Shimon Sherr is sitting Shiva after the passing of his sister, Gittle Esther, OBM, at 1650 President St. [between Schenectady and Utica Aves.] Apt 2L left side of the building, from Tuesday until Friday morning. Shacharis – 7:00am at Rei’im Ahuvim […]