Chabad in Nepal Searches Bodies to be Burned in Search of Jews
Local residents across Nepal have started to stack bodies for burning in an effort to stem an outbreak of disease, without first coordinating with the Nepalese authorities.
Local residents across Nepal have started to stack bodies for burning in an effort to stem an outbreak of disease, without first coordinating with the Nepalese authorities.
A Jewish center will soon be built within the walls of the ‘Kremlin’ (fortress) that lies in the center of Kazan, the capital city of Tatarstan, a Muslim-majority autonomous republic in Russia.
Baltimore Chabad Shliach and Police and State Guard Chaplain Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum was on the scene at Oriole Park in Baltimore today providing water and moral support to the National Guard troops trying to restore order to the city.
Two U.S. Army chaplains, Colonel Rabbi Jacob Goldstein and Rabbi Sanford L. Dresin of the Aleph Institute, came to the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ. They addressed the students at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, which is initiating a brand new Masters program, starting Rosh Chodesh Ellul of 5775.
As Rabbi Chezki and Chanie Lifshitz, Chabad Shluchim in Kathmandu, Nepal, continue serving as a lifeline for the hundreds of Israeli tourists and backpackers – both missing and located – the humanitarian crisis in the wake of the devastating earthquake has made it dangerous for their children to remain in the country. This morning, they returned to Israel along with the first wave of evacuees.
Black fedoras definitely stand out against the backdrop of colorful straw hats, and in hot, humid Bangkok no less. This week, the city is seeing a record number of these as 31 Shluchim families from across Asia convene for five days of rejuvenation at its regional Kinus HaShluchim.
New Yorkers are keeping their nests empty. According to data published by The New York Post, the city’s birth rate is the lowest since 1936 — having steadily declined over the past decade.
Amid much anticipation, construction is set to begin on Chabad of Orlando’s beautiful new Mikvah, which will be within walking distance to the South Orlando Jewish community and to many of the hotels and tourist attractions in the area.
Riots in Baltimore, which erupted in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody, lead officials to declare a state of emergency after rioters looted and set buildings and police vehicles on fire.
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chana Tziyona (Anna Ninette) Barouk of Nogent Sur Marne, France, matriarch of a large family of Chabad Chassidim and Shluchim all over the world.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, delivers his insights on this week’s Parsha – Acharei – Kedoshim. This week Rabbi Minkowicz answers the question: How can one do his/her day-to-day tasks joyfully?
A Shlichus Feud in Washington, DC which spilled out into secular courts has been boldly profiled by the Washingtonian, a popular news magazine which gave its take on the fight between Levi Shemtov and Yudi Steiner.
In a small Shul in the old Jewish quarter, known as ‘Zibetzin’, located at 17 Rue De Rosiers Shluchim and Anash got together for a Farbrengen in the Shul which the Rebbe was known to frequent for learning and Davening. Together with Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky the crowd Farbrenged into the night.