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Video: Overcoming Evil Inclination

Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, delivers his insights on this week’s Parsha – Ki Seitzei. This week Rabbi Minkowicz answers the question: How can we succeed in overcoming our evil inclinations? A bonus video on the meaning behind the blowing of the Shofar in the month of Elul is presented in the extended article.

The Rebbe’s Call for Summertime Tznius: Be Independent of Surrounding Environment

“Every year before the summer, generally at the Yud Bais Tammuz Farbrengen, the Rebbe would speak about Tznius”, says Oholei Torah Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson. At his suggestion, presents a new weekly feature for the summer months: a short thought of the Rebbe on tznius, as compiled by Rabbi Seligson.

In Turbulent Ukraine, Shluchim Unite

For the Jews of Ukraine, this past year has been one of extreme turmoil. This challenging year has seen revolutions, war, and economic collapse. Through all the unrest and tension, Jews throughout Ukraine have reached to the shluchim for support, and the shluchim continue to provide for their needs – both practical and spiritual –  with devotion.