The Rebbe during a visit to Camp Gan Yisroel in upstate New York.

The Rebbe’s Call for Summertime Tznius: Be Independent of Surrounding Environment

“Every year before the summer, generally at the Yud Bais Tammuz Farbrengen, the Rebbe would speak about Tznius”, says Oholei Torah Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson. At his suggestion, presents a new weekly feature for the summer months: a short thought of the Rebbe on tznius, as compiled by Rabbi Seligson.

[A little background: Late 1969 much focus was placed on a new dress style. On Simchas Torah the Rebbe had already addressed the issue of tznius at length. When the N’shei Chabad mid-winter convention took place in Adar, the Rebbe set tznius as the prime theme of the convention. In Iyar, when the Rebbe spoke to the assembled N’shei Chabad, tznius was the topic].

The following is the conclusion of a letter to N’shei Chabad from the 7th of Adar I 5730/1970, Rebbe’s Igros volume 26 page 324 (free translation from Yiddish):

We need to exert ourselves to show all who understand and observe tznius, that they have a responsibility to their sisters and need to influence them, by word and deed – being role models, that they strengthen the tznius in their home and circle.

It is high time that Jewish women and daughters should acknowledge their Jewish pride and be independent of the false, misleading and generally ‘empty’ styles of the surrounding environment; styles that have no value, aside from the greediness of those who have a financial interest in this.

And in the merit of strengthening and spreading tznius in all aspects of daily life, the Almighty should grant the fulfillment of all the blessings, that the Torah tells us, for observing tznius, and in the greatest measure, especially in true Jewish nachas from children and grandchildren, with health and parnossa in abundance, with much joy together with one’s husband, for long and good years.”


  • chavi

    Thanks for your weekly tznius article, you are helping our shcunah in a positive way and as the Rebbe says bdarkai noiam visholom!

  • Etta

    Crown heights should wake up the thin us is a
    Disaster. The hemlines are short sleeves could be a little longer red toe nails with open toe shoes. Hair that’s kept long and wild. Are these girls role models
    For yiddishkeit . They are giving Tzara to the rebbes
    Neshama. Parents wake up.

    • Resident

      I seen a couple in Crown heights in flip flop and this is coming from a guy. Stop putting most of the blame on women.