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Jewish Revival Gains Ground With Russia’s Students

Mikhail Runkin, a 26 year old university student from Yekaterinburg Russia, was nervous. He hadn’t imagined that he’d share one of life’s intimate milestones in a public setting. But on a recent Friday night, as he celebrated Shabbat dinner with 300 students, rabbis and lecturers, including the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, Mikhail was focused on one individual, a girl he’d met only a few months earlier. Unannounced, he stood up on his chair in the middle of the meal and proposed to Shaina Katzinova. Shaina accepted, and the entire room erupted into jubilant cheering and shouts of “Mazal Tov!”

Thursday: Rally at the Ohel

This Thursday, the 15th of Iyar (May 15), there will be a rally at the Ohel for all children ages 5 to 12. There will be a fun and exciting program, including games, refreshments and a raffle.

Partnership Brings In New Business Resources

In an effort to bring new business resources to the community, Crown Heights Young Entrepreneurs (CHYE) has teamed up with the Business Outreach Center (BOC) Network, a business development organization with over a decade-long record of delivering customized business services to entrepreneurs in New York City and more recently, in Newark, New Jersey; offering capacity-building services to organizations establishing and operating community and micro-enterprise development programs.

Pesach Sheini: A Second Chance

“It’s never too late. There’s always a second chance.” This, according to Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1880-1950), is the message of Pesach Sheini, the biblically ordained “second Passover” for those who fail to bring the Passover offering on its designated time.

by Yanki Tauber -

Israeli Education Ministry Teams Up With Merkos of Italy

​An agreement has been reached between the Israeli Ministry of Education and Merkos l’Inyonei Chinuch of Italy, the educational branch of the Chabad movement in the EU member nation. Under this new partnership, the students at a Milan high school run by Merkos will now be able to study Israeli educational curricula and obtain a diploma from the Israeli Ministry of Education.