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Info to Be Menachem Avel the Raitport Family

The Raitport Family is sitting Shiva after the passing of their father and brother, Reb Eliyahu, OBM; at 1480 Carroll St. [between Albany and Troy Aves.] until Friday afternoon, and at 1739 49th St. in Borough Park until Monday morning. Shacharis – 8:00 Mincha – Shkia Maariv – Tzeis At the […]

The New Jewish Anchor in Anchorage

Only in the alternative reality of Michael Chabon’s fanciful best-selling novel “The Yiddish Policeman’s Union” do three million Jews, rescued from the Holocaust, call Alaska home. The (real-life) reality is that only about 6,000 Jews live in the entire state. As I embarked on a recent trip up north, I didn’t expect to find much of a Jewish presence.

by Diane Cole - Jewish Week

100 Years: The Rebbe Rashab and the Beilis Trial

The trial of Mendel Beilis—a Jewish factory manager in Kiev, Ukraine, accused of murdering a Christian child to use his blood to bake matzah for Passover—began 100 years ago this month. Reported on closely by the international press, the world watched the unfolding—with reactions ranging from liberal astonishment to Jewish anguish to anti-Semitic satisfaction—of what was to be the last major blood-libel case of the 20th century.