Two Elderly Ukrainian Jews Enter the Covenant

On Sunday, the Yahrtzeit of Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, two elderly Jewish men underwent a Bris Milah in Vinnitza, a town in central Ukraine just a few dozen miles down the road from Berdichev.

It all began on Yom Kippur, when an older man approached Rabbi Shaul Horowitz, chief Rabbi of Vinnitza, and said “I want to be a real Jew.” After affirming that the man was indeed Jewish, a Bris was scheduled to take place after Yomtov on the Berdichever’s Yahrtzeit. When the Bris was complete, the man chose the name Levi Yitzchok.

Another elderly Jew, at the age of 61, seized the opportunity of the Mohel being in town and underwent a circumcision as well.

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