The Forklift Shul

by David Suissa – L.A. Jewish Journal

Rabbi Moshe Greenwald and Rabbi Moshe Levin.

It’s one thing to feel holiness when you enter a synagogue on Shabbat or a holy day. You go in expecting holiness. You expect that the rabbi’s sermon will inspire you; that you will have a spiritual experience and connect with God.

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Chabad Camp is Summer Fun for Jewish Kids

A trip to Laser Quest delighted Camp Chabad day campers in Mississauga, Ontario.

Sara Slavin saw a real need in Mississauga for a Jewish summer day camp. The city’s Jewish population isn’t huge but the closest summer camps for Jewish children are in Hamilton and Toronto.

Chasidic Classic Back in Print

The Lubavitcher Rabbi’s Memoirs are a veritable treasure chest of Chasidic learning and lore, of anecdotes, historical annotations and commemorations, and represent the very best of informal writing from the prolific pen of the sixth leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, of blessed memory and are now back in print and available from Kehot Publication Society.

First Ever Daf Yomi Siyum in Crown Heights

The Jewish world today celebrates the completion of learning Shas after seven and a half years of learning one page a day, with central celebrations held in all major Jewish communities around the world, especially in Eretz Yisroel and in America – the main event will be tonight in the Metlife Stadium in New Jersey. This morning, for the first time in [Lubavitch inhabited] Crown Heights, Congregation Anash 770 Montgomery St. held a Daf Yomi siyum as well.