Chabad Camp is Summer Fun for Jewish Kids

A trip to Laser Quest delighted Camp Chabad day campers in Mississauga, Ontario.

Sara Slavin saw a real need in Mississauga for a Jewish summer day camp. The city’s Jewish population isn’t huge but the closest summer camps for Jewish children are in Hamilton and Toronto.

So, she and her husband, Rabbi Yitzchok Slavin, started up with Camp Chabad. Since 2008, they have been offering a Jewish day camp experience to children in Mississauga, Milton and Oakville. There are even scholarships available.

This year, Camp Chabad hosted 15 campers aged 3-11 for two weeks in mid-July.

“We try to give it a traditional Jewish feel,” said Sara Slavin. “The children get a hot kosher lunch every day and we say traditional blessings over the food in Hebrew.”

Campers learn how to make challah and they hold a weekly Shabbat party.

“It’s all done in a fun way in a camp setting,” said Slavin.

The camp is also a chance for youngsters to meet other Jewish kids and make friends.

Campers enjoy outings to Laser Quest and going bowling.

The camp is held at Chabad Jewish Discovery Centre at 1552 Dundas S. W. The Slavins opened run the non-denominational Jewish centre four years ago. Today it offers a variety of classes and activities for men, women and children.


  • Well wisher

    Way to go Yitzchak and sara Freida Slavin. You are both an example of Chassidim of today with chassidishe frumkeit, hergish and midois toivois of Chassidim in Lubavitch in the early 1900’s.

    Hatzlacha Rabbah