L.A. Kings Capture Chabad Rabbi’s Heart

by Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort – Jewish World

On Monday, June 11, ’12, history was made as the National Hockey League’s Los Angeles Kings became champions. Wait a minute! What does a Chabad Chasidic Rabbi know about hockey? Actually, not a lot (but I am teachable).

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New York City’s Jewish Population Is Growing Again

NY Times

Along Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights. In 2002, 33 percent of city respondents identified themselves as Orthodox Jewish; in 2011, 40 percent did.

After decades of decline, the Jewish population of New York City is growing again, increasing to nearly 1.1 million, fueled by the “explosive” growth of the Hasidic and other Orthodox communities, a new study has found. It is a trend that is challenging long-held notions about the group’s cultural identity and revealing widening gaps on politics, education, wealth and religious observance.

Picture of the Day: Scot Married with Tartan Talis

Rabbi Mendel Jacobs, Rabbi of the Shul in the Park in Glasgow, Scotland, officiated at the wedding of David McGraddie and Leslie Goldinger, a Jewish couple who decided to have a traditional Chuppa and Kidushin despite their old age. Under the Chuppah, the groom wore a talis with the traditional Scottish Tartan fabric woven into the ‘Crown.’

Torah for the Masses

by Gavriel Horan – Hamodia

The author of a popular new series of English translations of classical Torah works tells the story of his own journey back to Yiddishkeit. His life is now devoted to helping make that process easier and more accessible for others.

Brooklyn Democrats May Nominate Anti-Semite

Weekly Standard

New York City councilman Charles Barron may be on his way to winning the Democratic nomination for Congress in New York’s Eighth District, despite a history of racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel rhetoric. Barron, who has earned the support of retiring congressman Ed Towns, would be representing a district with a sizable Jewish population.

Rabbi Bentzion Shemtov Returns to Detroit Camp

Ever since early winter the offices of Camp Gan Yisroel Detroit have been buzzing with preparation for their annual summer program. Year after Year, CGI Detroit has proven itself as being the ultimate summer camp experience, combining authentic Chassidishe Chinuch with a wholesome physical program.

Chabad Hosts Special Bat Mitzvah Celebration

Montreal Jewish Tribune

Evelyn Schachter (left), 62, and Rochelle Krakower (right), 44, recently had their bat mitzvahs.

Rabbi Zushe Silberstein believes that every female should experience the joy of a bat mitzvah ceremony. So when the opportunity arose for two intellectually challenged ladies to do so, he and his wife Bayla made it happen.

I Don’t Fly on Shabbos

by Tevi Troy – Washington Jewish Week

Walter Sobchak described his Sabbath observance in the Coen brothers’ classic The Big Lebowski by saying, “I don’t roll on Shabbos.” I’m not much of a bowler, but I don’t roll on Shabbos, either, and neither do I fly. This became a problem on Friday afternoon when trying to return home from meetings in Boston for Shabbat with my family. The captain announced over the loudspeaker: “Ladies and gentlemen, there are funnel clouds in D.C. The airports will not open until 9 p.m.”