Video: Crown Heights Herbalist Featured on CBS

Sara Chana Silverstein, a Lubavitcher from Crown Heights and mother of 7, who specializes in areas of alternative medicine and herbs, was featured this morning on CBS in a segment about the natural way to repel bugs and heal mosquito bites.


  • just sayin

    or you can spray cutter or off. No disrespect to Mrs. Silverstein, as I’m sure she’s a nice lady.

  • ahavas chinam

    #1: if you would do sientific research and see how much chemicals are in the pray cutter or off spray, you would be considering the natural spray. hakodosh boruch hu gave us ways to do it without cemicals. i’m interested, hope other people are too

  • d. eretz

    first of all you did kidush hashem by NOT shaking hand with guy second of all you do mitzva of oushmartem es nafshoteichaim meod that our rebbe encouraging ,tesher kohach bracha vehatzlacha in gashmiut and rouchniut gam yachad

  • into natural

    Interesting. But how much of the essential oil is used-it must be expensive.

  • Well done

    That was great! She sounds so professional, made a really great impression! Lots of hatzlacha in your work. You should have your own show!

  • off

    you can also spray off on ur cloths, doesnt have to go on skin.

    The thing is, in deep woods with dangerous bugs then you need deet. You could get very sick from some of the bugs in deep woods.

  • Mottel

    While the information given here by Mrs. Silverstein is perfectly innocuous, I think it’s important that her general approach (or lack there of) to medical health is very dangerous. Mrs. Silverstein is one of several proponents of a dangerous anti-vaccination ideology. This pernicious ideology has recently metastasized in our community. Not vaccinating our children is scientifically unsound, threatening the health of not only individuals, but of the entire COMMUNITY r”l!

  • rg

    before you start spreading lies like a disease, why dont you go into Mrs Silversteins office and speak to her directly?

    SC’s pro-natural vaccinating client

  • Chana of Tal Fine Essential Oils

    good publicity about the safe use of aromatic oils, and you were wise to mention not to use “neat” on the skin and to use small quantities and to keep away from eyes, small children…you may also want to try eucalyptus citrodoria and geranium-
    you did a nice presentation

  • Friend from Tzfat

    Great kiddush Hashem. Hope to see more of you on these shows. All your talents are coming together to go out there and spread your knowledge in this way. Really love watching you.

  • mottel

    #14 RG: Could you please qualify where I’m mistaken before you accuse me of lies? Perhaps you can also clarify what you mean by “pro-natural vaccinat[ion].” Do you mean that you let your children become sick, in the hopes that the natural immunity they build after overcoming the virus outweigh the sickness the’ll have from it? Perhaps with chickenpox you’re willing to take that bet – but what about MMR? Is the pain for children (and Yungeleit!) worth it? What about the risk of deafness and infertility!? We in the NY Frum community have definitely have certainly seen the results of our failures there . . .
    What about Smallpox and Polio? Are you “Pro-natural vaccination” there as well?
    My friend, you are living in a double dream! Thank G-d your children are healthy and have been spared from the horrible diseases our ancestors feared in past generations (and those that those less fortunate in the third world still fight with today!). Where do you think that comes from? From the herd immunity of the rest of us. If we all relayed upon “natural vaccinations” we would be it far more sorry state. What’s more, even in our current state, those of us who have suppressed immune systems are put in ACTIVE danger by the negligence of those that fail to immunize!

    So please, explain where I’m wrong and how you’re right!