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New Volume Opens Door to Rebbe’s Rashi Sichos

Scholars for generations have tried to decipher the seemingly simplistic words of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, the 12th-century commentator known as Rashi whose glosses on the Five Books of Moses have become standard fare for any student of the Torah. But a new English volume attempts to reveal some of the principles behind the commentary, drawing on several talks delivered by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, whose elucidations of Rashi’s writings have been called by modern-day scholars as “revolutionary.”

Video: When a Breslover’s Flight Is Delayed

Breslov Chassidim traveling to Uman for the holiday of Shavuos dance and sing in the airport as they await the boarding call for their flight, which has been delayed. At the 0:45 mark they sing a familiar sounding niggun, but with different words.

PSA: Ahavas Chesed Blood Drive Thursday

A Blood Drive will take place on Thursday, May 31 (10 Sivan) from 3:30 PM to 9:00 PM at 1414 President St. [corner of Kingston Ave.]. Refreshments will be served. Please bring identification. One must wait 56 days between blood donations.


Chabad & Montessori Schools?

Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, a master educator who has created his own version of an early childhood learning model similar to Montessori but uniquely Jewish, will bring his manipulatives and other e/c materials to the Kinus HaMechanchos next month. He will be making a series of presentations especially geared to early childhood educators.

PSA: Do Not Use Padlocks to Secure Bars

Three days ago, during the festive meal of Yom Tov, a family of three was trapped inside their apartment as their building was engulfed in flames. In an act of quiet heroism, a man scaled the building’s fire escape and reached the apartment to release them, but he was impeded by a padlock – the key to which no one could find.


Facebook Posts Lead to Bust of Crown Heights Gang


Alleged gang members hang out in Crown Heights’ Brower Park.

City law enforcement officials announced today the take down of a violent street gang they say is responsible for a year-long crime spree in Crown Heights, after gang member began arguing over robbery proceeds on Facebook.

Kate Middleton Intrigued by Concept of Shlichus

Rabbi Yossi Jacobs, Chabad Shliach in Birmingham, UK and Chief Minister of Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, along with his wife Rachel, were among the eight thousand guests invited to Her Majesty the Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace today.

Digging for Diamonds Based on Rebbe’s Prophecy


Avi Taub, Chief Executive of Shefa Yamim diamond exploration company, gestures during an interview with Reuters as an excavator works at a site near the northern city of Haifa May 21, 2012.

Somewhere in the Carmel hills of northern Israel, diamond exploration company Shefa Yamim hopes to uncover the exact spot where faith meets science.

Info to Be Menachem Avel the Popack Family

The Popack family is sitting Shiva after the passing of Reb Shmuel Isaac OBM, at 1280 President St. [between Brooklyn and New York Ave.]

Shachris: 8:00 AM
Mincha: 8:00 PM
Maariv: 9:00 PM

Women’s hours: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM. Please use back entrance.

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion VeYerushalayim

School Dedicated to Girl Who Died in Climbing Accident

Jewish community members in Tenafly, N.J., attend the groundbreaking of Lubavitch on the Palisades’ new educational wing, which is being named after 22-year-old Stephanie Prezant.

Hundreds of people banded together to pay tribute to a local Jewish girl who perished in a rock-climbing accident by dedicating a new wing at the preschool she served for several years in her memory.

Gathering in Remembrance of R’ Yitzchok Zirkind, OBM

Photo: Mushka Lightstone.

The Zirkind family invites the entire community to an evening of inspiration and awareness, in memory of Rabbi Yitzchok Zirkind, OBM. The event will take place today, Wednesday at Beis Rivkah, 310 Crown St. at 8:00 PM. The event will be broadcast live via Torah Café.