Breslov Chassidim traveling to Uman for the holiday of Shavuos dance and sing in the airport as they await the boarding call for their flight, which has been delayed. At the 0:45 mark they sing a familiar sounding niggun, but with different words.

Video: When a Breslover’s Flight Is Delayed

Breslov Chassidim traveling to Uman for the holiday of Shavuos dance and sing in the airport as they await the boarding call for their flight, which has been delayed. At the 0:45 mark they sing a familiar sounding niggun, but with different words.


  • malcab

    nice way to kill time – no fights – no one getting hurt – true ahavas yisroel

  • Chasidim in Gehinom, CH V

    Oy Yoy Yoy, get this!

    There were three Chasidim in Gehinom: a Satmar, Breslover, and a Lubavitcher Chasid. The Satmar asked his Rebbe, “How do I get out of here?” His Rebbe replied,“through Torah, Teshuva and Maasim Tovim you will get out. The Breslover asked his Rebbe, ”how do I get out?“ His Rebbe said,”come to Uman, I’ll get you out.“ The Lubavitcher asked the Rebbe, ”How do I get out?“ The Rebbe responded, ”at least make a Chabad house there!”

  • Familiar situation

    Similar people do similar things in 770 to kill time before, and especially after, the Davenings…

  • CHT

    interesting to note that they have those who believe Odesser stories (na nach and etc) and those that do not. Very similar division to our meshichistim and not.

  • Beautiful!

    I think its beautiful!!
    Their sincerity is something we can all learn from!!
    So lebedik!
    Thank you COL for sharing!

  • every day

    its an every day occurrence in????? 770. go see for your self!!!

  • Fresser Rebbe


    I a always said that the tzfaty gang sounds very similar to the nah nach’s

  • Anon Amos

    Just FYI – and for those who know Israeli Folk Music.
    The Niggun of Harabi Shlita, or the one the Nachman’s are singing at 0:45 – is actually an old Israeli song called Barba Abba – that is the original tune!