Your Friendly Campus Rabbi

by Michelle Frantino – Stony Brook Press

Rabbi Adam Stein

On a Friday after sunset, you may see students walking up Roosevelt Drive. They pass Stimson and Keller College then continue up the hill until they reach building ‘A’ of West Apartments. They look left and see a tree with Christmas lights wrapped around its trunk. That’s where they enter the woods. They follow a path lined with lights that leads to the front yard of a house.

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Governor Cuomo: No Wine Sales in Grocery Stores


It appears very unlikely that wine will be sold in New York grocery stores next year. That word comes from State Senator Tom O’Mara following Governor Andrew Cuomo‘s comment last week that he does not support that move.

Herzliya Residents Concerned About New Youth Trend

Yeshiva World News

An urgent town hall meeting was held by the Herzliya PTA, attended by Mayor Yael German, permitting participants to express their concerns surrounding the alarming trend, an increasing number of the city’s teens are returning to the fold, beginning to observe Torah and Mitzvos. Also present was the deputy mayor, Tova Rafael. The event was not well attended according to a Kikar Shabbat report.

Rainbow in the Night: Keeping the Holocaust Alive

by Sandy Eller

Seventy two years have elapsed since the German invasion of Poland and as time progresses, the number of people who can recount the stories of the atrocities that occurred during the darkest period in our history continues to grow smaller and smaller. As the voices of those who survived World War II weaken with age, those who deny the Holocaust are becoming more and more vocal as they spread their malicious lies worldwide.

Five Congressmen Venture into Uncharted Territory

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX-1st), Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, David Ha’ivri.

On November 9th, five Congressmen ventured into otherwise uncharted territory by traditional diplomatic delegations to Israel. A strong affinity to Israel and genuine frustration with the repetitive and fatal failures of peace plans and processes drove these American leaders to take a fresh look and Israel’s heartland.

2 Sunday Night L’Chaims

Shlomie Ascher (Crown Heights) and Devorah Bard-Wigdor (Crown Heights)
Chovevei Torah, 885 Eastern Pkwy [between Albany and Troy Ave.]

Levi Gross (Los Angeles, CA) and Bassi Krasnianski (Five Towns, NY)
Lubavitcher Yeshiva, 570 Crown St [hall entrance on Albany Ave]

Info to Be Menachem Avel the Goldshmid Family

The Goldshmid family is sitting Shiva after the passing of their father, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Goldshmid OBM, at 608 Montgomery St. [between Kingston and Brooklyn Ave.]

Shachris: 7:30, 8:00
Mincha: 1:45, 4:15
Maariv: 5:20, 7:00

Please send memories and condolences to:

Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion VeYerushalayim

Meir Baranes Threatens to Murder Rav Ovadia Yosef

Yeshiva World News

A newspaper clipping from when Meir Baranes ran over Rabbi Levi Bistritzky A”H in Tzfas.

Yediot Achronot correspondent Akiva Novik recorded a conversation with Meir Baranes, who was informed the conversation was recorded and consented. He told Novik that in 45 days, on 19 Kislev, the Chag HaGeula for Chabadnikim, he or a messenger of his would murder Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Baranes is currently incarcerated in a psychiatric institution pending evaluation.