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Oholei Torah Marks Five Years of Reb Michoel’s Minyan

This upcoming Shabbos, Parshas Trumah, marks the fifth year of Reb Michoel’s Minyan in Oholei Torah.

When Oholei Torah wanted to commemorate the legacy of Reb Michoel Teitelbaum, the co-founder of the yeshiva they founded a special Shabbos minyan for the talmidim, namely Reb Michoel’s Minyan. Reb Michoel had a most powerful and steadfast commitment to davening and surely derives much nachas from this minyan.

Sicha of the Rebbe – Parshas Terumah

The Rebbe says:

1. Regarding the building of the Mishkan (the Tabernacle) in this week’s Torah portion the Torah says, “You should make the beams for the Tabernacle of acacia wood (Atzay Shittim), standing upright”.

2. The Previous Rebbe explained that the Hebrew word for, “acacia”, which is, “Shittim”, also means, “turning away”. In other words, there is a middle path which is the path of logic and reason, and the turning away from the middle path is called, “Shittim”, from the word, “Shtoos – Senselessness”.

However, there are two types of ways to be senseless. One way is to turn away from the middle path of logic and be senseless in the opposite way of holiness, as the Talmud states, “A person only commits a transgression because a spirit of senselessness entered him”, and another way is to turn away from the middle path of logic and be senseless in a holy way, as the Talmud states, “The senselessness of this Sage has helped him”.

An Unconventional Convention: Women and Judaism

by Rabbi Getzy Markowitz

We live just two short blocks from the old New York State National Guard Armory, in Brooklyn. One hardly sees any activity near the Armory. When you do see something, you say something, as suspicion inclines you to call the authorities.

Roadside Explosion Guts Marine’s Truck – Iraq? No, B’klyn!

NY Post

Photos: O.F. –

This Marine survived a year and countless unseen bombs on the battlefields of Iraq — but was nearly blown to bits by an explosive parking spot in Crown Heights!

Info to be Menachem Avel the Lewis Family

Mr. Simcha Lewis is sitting shiva for his father (Meir ben Yehuda) in Manchester, UK till Wednesday morning.

Address: 134 Albert Avenue, Prestwich

Phone: (US #) 646 434 6756 – please note they are 5 hours ahead


Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.