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Chabad’s Social Media Success

By Rabbi Jason Miller for the Jewish Week

Chabad Lubavitch has always been out in front when it comes to using the Internet for publicity. Back in the 90’s, Chabad took full advantage of the virtual communities on America Online (AOL) and then launched some of the most impressive websites once everyone migrated to the Web. For years, Chabad has been a strong force in Cyberspace with “Ask the Rabbi” websites, online distance learning, and viral videos.

Chanukah House in West Haven Will Let Kids Live Story

By Pamela McLoughlin for the New Haven Register

WEST HAVEN — Children can read about Hanukkah in the history books or in Sunday school, but Rabbi Adam Haston has found a way for kids to live the story.

World’s Most Carbon Emitting Menorah!

A group of bochurim from Yeshivas Lubavitch of Detroit, Meir Shemtov, Shmulik Levin, Sruli Baron and Yehuda Glaser came to help Southside’s Shliach, Rabbi Shmuly Novak for Chanukah. One of the members of the community, made it his “Chanukah Project” to go “dumpster-diving” looking for some old mufflers and make the world’s first muffler menorah!

Spiritual Gravity – The Need For Human Effort

by Rabbi Yosef Kahanov, Jax. FL

Nothing you have acquired is real unless you worked for it. If you were born a nice guy, the niceness isn’t yours. If you started off not so nice, and now you do a little, that’s Divine. (Tzvi Freeman, Be Within Stay Above)

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“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.”

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Shluchim Light the Menorah with Texas Governor

Gov. Perry met with a delegation of Texas Jewish leaders Thursday to mark the first full day of Hanukkah, lighting the menorah in the governor’s public reception room, then singing and dancing along to traditional songs. The menorah holds one candle for each night of Hanukkah, with the ninth candle, the shamash, used to light the other candles.