Lubavitcher Saves Life – Donates Kidney

Baruch Hashem – A Chanukkah miracle in our times! True Ahavas Yisroel prevailed last week when one Lubavitcher chosid gave his kidney to save the life of another.

The Donor and the Recipient have already been released from the hospital, and will IY”H be hosting a seudas ho’daah / farbreigen at 6:30pm this Sunday, the 5th night of Chanukkah, at the Chesed Center, 271 Kingston Ave. They request that you join them and their families as they praise Hashem for this modern day miracle.

Please come and meet these very special men and bless them with L’Chayim!


  • Amazing

    I don’t know how many people know, but there is a blood drive at Ahavas Chesed every few weeks, but right now they are not very into internet marketing so the word does not get out as much as it should if there is somebody out there who could help them in this area there would be a lot more people donating blood which translates to saving lives.

  • BG - kidney donor

    b’h several lubavitchers have already donated kidneys and saved lives. perhaps we should arrange a group of sorts for the donors and recepients where we can keep in touch with each other.

  • Chaya Lipschutz

    This is wonderful!

    I hope this will story inspire others to donate a kidney.

    At least another kidney donor I know will be attending this event Sunday.

    If anyone out there is considering kidney donation – men or women, and wants to speak to other kidney donors about their experience, please, if possible, come to this event Sunday night.

    And if you can’t make it, that’s ok, you can feel free to contact me for more information about kidney donation.

    I myself donated a kidney (as well as my brother). I had made Rabbi Simon of Chabad of Teaneck’s kidney match, as well as Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik of Aish.

    Freilichen Chanukah to all!


    Chaya Lipschutz



  • May Hashem bless he who save one life

    It’s such a wonderful thing! Even al pi Halacha, an animal with one kidney is NOT A TREIFA. We can learn from this that one kidney is nessesary to live. The other is just a SPARE! I’m so glad that we already have a few happy Lubavitchers who gave their “spare parts” to save other people! Baruch Hashem.

    Let’s not forget that there is another chosid right here in Kan Tziva HaSHem Es HaBracha who DESPERATELY needs a kidney transplant. He, his wife, and seven kids are still waiting for their miracle donor. Maybe you also have a kidney to spare?